Mind Map - smeredith116001/Capstone2022 GitHub Wiki

Mind Map Topic

Cybersecurity: Making sure that all the devices are having the correct measures in place and following best practices to a T to ensure that everything is secure

Physical: Learning the ins and outs of these devices and understanding how they interact with each other, More focused on the Networking side of things because I feel like I need more knowledge in that area

Windows: This is a staple OS and something I will be interacting with and troubleshooting my whole career so any experience inside the OS especially on the back end will help improve those skills

Programs: As I have found from my internship knowing programs is like knowing coding languages in Comp Sci so any experience especially the programs that start with a V is something I plan on trying to improve immensely on during my capstone

Replication: Being able to repeat a skill like a deployment is super important especially in the industry so being able to understand a program completely and being efficient with my actions will be a big skill to pick up

Skills: Just trying to become a more well-rounded person in the major, I believe that trying to only be the master of one subject in this major and field isn't gonna fly so I want to become more versatile