dMoralizer - smellyonionman/smellycraft GitHub Wiki

Be ready for April Fool's!
This script will parse all tasks located in /Denizen/scripts/pranks while generating your config.

  • All messages are fully translatable
  • Limitless menu size with customizable auto-pagination
  • Customizable icons for everything
  • May target Players, groups, perms, and/or worlds all at once
  • Fully automatic, just /ex reload and it works


Store this script anywhere in your scripts folder.
Within Denizen/scripts/pranks/ you must include your prank scripts.
A prank script is just a task script with the following path at the end:

    title: '&aExample Prank'
    icon: trapped_chest
    - '&9Lorem Ipsum'
    - '&9Dolor Sit Amet'
    instant: true #If false, effects will be applied for a chosen duration
    cooldown: 10m #Unusable period following scripted events
    author: smellyonionman #Credit for prank author

This format will be subject to change in the lead-up to version 1.0.
The task script must always accept a definition targets, and may only apply its effects to this list of players.
If the prank is not instant, it must also accept a definition duration for which to apply its effects.

After placing your files in the correct director(ies), run /ex reload and look for dMoralizer.yml in Plugins/Smellycraft. Further changes to this file can be loaded via /dmoralizer reload without disturbing your other scripts.


Use the Players, Groups, Perms, and Worlds menus to build a comprehensive list of targets.
Left-clicking includes new targets, right-clicking removes them.
When finished, use the Pranks menu to start the fun! You can also specify a duration for some pranks.
Permission nodes must be typed into chat before they will appear in the menu.


  • dmoralizer.admin Reload, Enable, Disable, Update, Prank Any Day
  • dmoralizer.anytime Prank Any Day
  • dmoralizer.prank.[scriptname] *Run prank with this script name'
  • dmoralizer.use Open the GUI
  • dmoralizer.boring Immune to being pranked
    Coming soon: Updater, more commands


Clone this repository, and include your prank script in the /pranks/ directory. Then, submit a Pull Request and your prank will be included.
If you can not or do not know how to use Git, head over to and contact Smelly.