# Allows for quickly enabling or disabling via command
enabled: true
# Enable or disable hourly update checks
update: true
# Maximum number of lines per player
max: 3
# How often (in seconds) to update the sidebar
freq: 5
# Allows for using any part of the plugin at all
use: smellyboard.use
# Allows a player to bypass the maximum line count
bypass: smellyboard.bypass
# Permits a user to update, reload or save
admin: smellyboard.admin
# Hot pluggable scripts, if you have your own
narrator: sc_common_feedback
GUI: sc_common_marquee
# For disabling any of the default lines
balance: true
waypoint: true
exhaustion: true
lag: true
mob: true
slime: true
power: true
damage: true
item: true
debug: true
# Customize messages
prefix: '&9[&aSmelly&2Board&9]'
description: 'Interfaces with the Smellyboard plugin.'
reload: '&9Smellyboard reloaded.'
missing_common: '&This plugin uses code contained in sc_common.yml. Visit for the most recent version.'
missing_script: '&9 Script &a[script] &9was not detected. &c Installation not complete. &9An alternative is available in the Common Files.'
limit: '&cToo many items active'
title: '&7&lSmellyboard'
menu: ' &0&lHUD Selector'
enabled: '&9Currently &aenabled'
disabled: '&9Currently &cdisabled'
linename: '&oEnter name of [line]&co'
cancelled: '&7Input cancelled. Display unaltered.'
# For specifying your own lines
# Customize icon display
icon: iron_pickaxe
display: '&aJob Stats'
- '&9Displays current &alevel'
- '&9and &aXP &9for a given Job'
# If missing all nodes, icon is not shown
- group.players
# Whether or not the player can customize this listener
input: true
# If input is true, you can use <[var]> as a placeholder for player input
output: '&9<[var].to_titlecase||&cError>: &aLevel &6<[<[var]>].xp.level||&c?>&a, &6<[<[var]>].xp||&c?> &axp'