SmellyTunes Config - smellyonionman/smellycraft GitHub Wiki

The following nodes are available for your customization in /plugins/Smellycraft/smellytunes.yml.


    # Maximum number of songs which may play simultaneously on server
    max: 3

    # Whether to require a redstone signal for activation (and volume control)
    redstone: false

    # Volume, in chunks travelled - acts as a maximum when redstone:true
    range: 5

    # Allows for enabling/disabling plugin via command
    enabled: true

    # Where in /Denizen/midi/ to look for songs - use {} for none
    dir: smellytunes

    # Whether or not to check hourly for updates
    update: true

    # Players can not use a MIDI disc at all without this
    use: smellytunes.use

    # To bypass global restrictions on simultaneous playback
    bypass: smellytunes.bypass

    # For using update, reload, and save
    admin: smellytunes.admin

  # Hot pluggable scripts, in case you have your own
    narrator: sc_common_feedback
    GUI: sc_common_marquee

  # Customize plugin messages
    prefix: '&9[&aSmelly&2Tunes&9]'
    description: 'Interfaces with the Smellytunes plugin.'
    reload: '&9Plugin has been successfully reloaded.'
    missing_common: '&This plugin uses code contained in sc_common.yml.  Visit for the most recent version.'
    missing_script: '&9 Script &a[script] &9was not detected. &c Installation not complete. &9An alternative is available in the Common Files.'
    wait: '&9Please wait...'
    playing: '&9Now playing:'
    playcount: '&cToo many songs playing.'
    nosignal: '&cRedstone signal required.'
    enabled: '&9Plugin has been &aenabled&9.'
    disabled: '&9Plugin has been &cdisabled&9.'
    titlecolor: &a
    lorecolor: &9