Denizence Config - smellyonionman/smellycraft GitHub Wiki

The following nodes are available for your customization in /plugins/Smellycraft/denizence.yml.

  # Currently updates are the only toggle available for Denizence
    update: true
    # For opening the GUI
    use: residence.gui

    # For commands - we'll just borrow the actual node from Residence
    admin: residence.admin

 # Switch to any of your own scripts for hot-pluggable task handling - defaults are in sc_common.dsc

    # For display of text to Global Chat or Actionbar
    narrate: sc_common_feedback

    # For display of text in titles of GUI menus
    GUI: sc_common_marquee

  # Messages which appear in Global Chat are customized separaately from the GUI
    prefix: '&9&lb&aDeniz&2ence&9&rb'
    description: 'GUI for Residence Users.'
    reload: '&9Plugin has been reloaded.'
    missing_common: '&This plugin uses code contained in sc_common.yml.  Visit for the most recent version.'
    missing_script: '&9 Script &a[script] &9was not detected. &c Installation not complete. &9An alternative is available in the Common Files.'
    enter_name: '&9Enter Residence name.&nl&7To resume chatting, type cancel, wait 60 seconds or just relog.'
    enter_subzone: '&9Enter Subzone name.&nl&7To resume chatting, type cancel, wait 60 seconds or just relog.'
    enter_player: '&9Enter Player name.&nl&7To resume chatting, type cancel, wait 60 seconds or just relog.'
    enter_message: '&9Enter your message. &aColor codes supported.&nl&7To resume chatting, type cancel, wait 60 seconds or just relog.'
    enter_price: '&9Enter the &6price &9to charge per rental term.&nl&7To resume chatting, type cancel, wait 60 seconds or just relog'
    enter_term: '&9Renewal price&co &6[price]&9. Enter lease term next.&nl&7To resume chatting, type cancel, wait 60 seconds or just relog.'
    allow_renew: '&9Lease term has been set to &a[days] &9(real) days. Allow renewing? Y/N.&nl&7To resume chatting, type cancel, wait 60 seconds or just relog.'
    stay_rentable: '&9Renew set to [renewable]&9. Stay in market? Y/N.&nl&7To resume chatting, type cancel, wait 60 seconds or just relog.'
    autopay: 'Stay in market set to [T/F]&9. Allow auto-pay? Y/N.&nl&7To resume chatting, type cancel, wait 60 seconds or just relog.'
    numbers_only: '&cPlease use numbers only.'
    boolean_only: '&cPlease use Y or N only.'

  # Messages shown within the GUI interface

    # These are the messages which display within the title bar
      default: '   &1&lDenizence &2&oby Smellycraft'
      click_type: '     &8Left or Right click only.'
      - '&cResidence not created.'
      - '&cWere both corners unclaimed?'
      - '      &cSubzone not created.'
      - '   &cWere both corners inside?'
      cancel_message: '   &cNo changes to [type] message.'
      message_removed: '     &9Removed [type] message.'
      cancel_player: '     &cNo player chosen to flag.'
      cancel_list: '    &cArea was not put up for rent.'

    # Set up for "Current" icon in GUI

      # Icons have different appearances in different conditions
        create: golden_shovel
        owned: oak_door
        not_owned: iron_door

      # Display names for icon states listed above
        create: '&aCreate new Residence'
        owned: '&aWelcome Home'
        not_owned: '&cClaimed Land'

      # Lore for icon states listed above
        name: '&6[name]'
        owned: '&9You own this Residence.'
        not_owned: '&6&o[name]&9, Owned by &6[owner]'
        size: '&9Size: &a[size]'
        subzone: '&9Current Subzone: &6&o[subzone]'
        remove: '&fClick to remove.'
        forsale: '&9Residence is &afor sale&9.'
        saleprice: '&9Price&co &6[saleprice]'
        create: '&fClick to create a residence.'

    # Other icons follow the same format as above
      material: lime_banner
      display: '&aAdjust Flags'
        set_global: '&9Set &6global &fpermissions with &aLeft click'
        set_player: '&9Set &6player &fpermissions with &aRight click'
        editing_zone: '&9Editing Subzone&co &6&o[subzone]'
      material: name_tag
      display: '&aChange Messages'
        header: '&9Change the Enter or Leave messages.'
        buttons_1: '&aLeft-click &ffor Enter, &aRight-click &ffor Leave.'
        buttons_2: '&aShift-click &f to remove a message.'
        editing_zone: '&9Editing Subzone&co &6&o[subzone]'
      material: stick
      display: '&aExpand or Contract'
        header: '&9Look up, down, or in any direction.'
        buttons: '&aLeft-click &fexpands, &aRight-click &fcontracts.'
        limits_1: '&cYour size limits are&co'
        limits_2: '&7X&co &a[maxew]&7, Y&co &a[maxud]&7, Z&co &a[maxns]'
        editing_zone: '&9Editing Subzone&co &6&o[subzone]'
      material: oak_fence
      display: '&aManage Subzones'
        header: '&9Select two points within a Residence.'
        buttons: '&aLeft-click &fcreates, &aRight-click &fremoves.'
        editing_zone: '&9Editing Subzone&co &6&o[subzone]'
        list: tripwire_hook
        unlist: tripwire_hook
        rented: tripwire_hook
        forrent: tripwire_hook
        sell: oak_sign
        unsell: oak_sign
        forsale: oak_sign
        list: '&aMake Rentable'
        unlist: '&aRemove from Market'
        rented: '&aCurrently Renting'
        forrent: '&aSpace for Rent'
        sell: '&aSell this Residence'
        unsell: '&aRemove from Market'
        forsale: '&aFor Sale'
        tenant: '&9Currently rented by &6[renter]'
        due: '&9Renewal date&co &a[renewdate]'
        cost: '&9You will be debited &6[rentprice]'
        vacant: '&9Rentable for &6[rentprice]'
        unrent: '&fClick to unrent.'
        list: '&fClick to put this area up for rent.'
        unlist: '&fClick to remove from the market.'
        period: '&9Renews every &a[rentperiod] day(s).'
        newrent: '&fClick to rent this property.'
        evict: '&fClick to evict this tenant.'
        editing_zone: '&9Editing Subzone&co &6&o[subzone]'