submit form - smbc-digital/form-builder GitHub Wiki

Submit form


SubmitForm subits a form to a web service

The syntax is:

  • BehaviourType: "SubmitForm"
  • conditions: List
  • SubmitSlugs: List

Submit Slug has the following properties:

  • Environment: string,
  • URL: string (absolute URL of service)
  • AuthToken: string (authorization token)
  • Type(optional): string (type of authorization)


The below behaviour submits a form to the accidents and incident service

 "Behaviours": [
          "conditions": [],
          "behaviourType": "SubmitForm",
          "SubmitSlugs": [
              "Environment": "local",
              "URL": "https://localhost:44379/api/v1/Home",
              "AuthToken": "accidentsandincidentsToken"
              "Environment": "Int",
              "URL": "https://int-submiturl/accidentsandincidentsservice/api/v1/Home",
              "AuthToken": "int-authtoken"
              "Environment": "QA",
              "URL": "https://qa-submiturl/accidentsandincidentsservice/api/v1/Home",
              "AuthToken": "qa-authtoken"
              "Environment": "Stage",
              "URL": "https://stage-submiturl/accidentsandincidentsservice/api/v1/Home",
              "AuthToken": "stage-authtoken"
              "Environment": "Prod",
              "URL": "https://prod-submiturl/accidentsandincidentsservice/api/v1/Home",
              "AuthToken": "prod-authtoken"
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️