File upload - smbc-digital/form-builder GitHub Wiki

Refer to Stockport Design System for styling information and reference images

DSL properties

Property Type Required Default Value Description
QuestionId string ✔️ Unique question id allowed charatcers are [a-zA-Z] only
Label string ✔️ Label associated with the question
LabelAsH1 bool false Display Label as h1 not a label (if this is set to true, HideTitle in the Page properties should also be set to true)
Warning string Warning which appears above the input NOTE: Only use one of Warning, Hint or IAG
Hint string Hint which appears above the input NOTE: Only use one of Warning, Hint or IAG
IAG string Inset text to appear below the Label. NOTE: Only use one of Warning, Hint or IAG
TargetMapping string Used for custom object mapping when creating submit data (more info about target mapping)
AllowedFileTypes Array[string] [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".pdf", ".docx", ".doc", ".odt"] Set the accepted file types
MaxFileSize string 23.5Mb The maximum file size in Mb (the default value is the maximum accepted value)

File upload examples

DS Json for file upload:

          "Type": "FileUpload",
          "Properties": {
            "QuestionId": "fileUpload",
            "Label": "Upload",
            "TargetMapping": "customer.file",
            "AllowedFileTypes": [ ".jpg", ".png" ],
            "MaxFileSize": "50"