Declaration - smbc-digital/form-builder GitHub Wiki

Refer to Stockport Design System for styling information and reference images

DSL properties

Property Type Required Default Value Description
QuestionId string ✔️ Unique question id allowed charatcers are [a-zA-Z] only
Label string ✔️ Label associated with the search term
Text string ✔️ Describes what the reason of the checkbox is
Hint string Hint which appears above the declaration checkbox
Optional bool false
CustomValidationMessage string Set a custom validation message for when user does not check the declaration checkbox
TargetMapping string Used for custom object mapping when creating submit data
LegendAsH1 bool false Display the inputs label as a h1 and not a label (if this is set to true, HideTitle in the Page properties should also be set to true)
HideLabel bool false Hide the label above the checkbox
StrongLabel bool true Specifies if the label associated with the declaration is strong(fieldset-heading--m)
SummaryLabel string Change the label associated with this input on the summary

Declaration examples

DS Json for declaration

"Title": "Required Declaration",
   "PageSlug": "page1",
   "HideTitle": false,
   "Elements": [
         "Type": "Declaration",
         "Properties": {
            "Label": "Declaration",
            "QuestionId": "Declaration",
            "Text": "I agree to the terms and conditions",
            "StrongLabel":  false

All possible properties example:

   "Type": "Declaration",
   "Properties": {
      "Label": "Declaration",
      "LegendAsH1": true,
      "QuestionId": "Declaration",
      "Text": "I agree to the terms and conditions",
      "Hint": "This is a required declaration",
      "CustomValidationMessage": "You must agree to the terms and conditions",
      "Optional": false,
      "TargetMapping": "customer.Declaration",
      "HideLabel": true,
      "StrongLabel": false