Button - smbc-digital/form-builder GitHub Wiki

Refer to Stockport Design System for styling information and reference images

DSL properties

Property Type Required Default Value Description
ButtonId string ✔️ Button id that is unique to the page (For Continue buttons, use the buttonId 'continue')
Text string Continue/ Submit - for SubmitForm behaviour Text describing the action the button performs
ClassName string govuk-button Adds class to the button, ie: govuk-button--secondary
Disabled bool false Disables the button
DisableOnClick bool false Disables the button after a user has clicked the button NOTE: This is enabled on the initial lookup search pages and any page which has a SubmitForm or SubmitAndPay action type

Button examples

DS Json for button:

  "Title": "Your hobbies",
  "PageSlug": "your-hobbies",
  "Elements": [
      "Type": "Button",
      "Properties": {
        "ButtonId": "continue"

All possible properties example:

  "Type": "Button",
  "Properties": {
    "ButtonId": "continue",
    "Text": "Custom text",
    "ClassName": "govuk-button--warning",
    "Disabled": false,
    "DisableOnClick": true