Use Case Diagram and Sequence Diagram for Coffee Maker System (Hui Ming) - smashita/CoffeeMaker-2019 GitHub Wiki

Use Case Diagram for Coffee Maker System

There are 6 use cases in the coffee maker system which are add recipe, delete recipe, edit recipe, make coffee, add inventory and check inventory. The make coffee use case includes purchase coffee use case. When user wants to make coffee, the user must purchase the coffee first.

Sequence Diagram for Add Recipe coffeemaker_addrecipe

This is the sequence diagram for add recipe use case. This sequence diagram includes controller class :Main and other domian classes such as aCM:CoffeeMaker, aRB:RecipeBook and aR:Recipe. If the user wants to add recipe, the user needs to enter the recipe name, recipe price and amount of ingredients that he want to add in this new recipe such as amount of chocolate, coffee, milk and sugar. After the user entered all the recipe details required, the system will print a message "The Recipe (name) is successfully added" to the user to indicate that a new recipe is added.

Sequence Diagram for Edit Recipe coffeemaker_editrecipe

This is the sequence diagram for edit recipe use case. This sequence diagram includes controller class :Main and other domian classes such as aCM:CoffeeMaker, aRB:RecipeBook and aR:Recipe. If the user wants to edit recipe, the user needs to enter the recipe name that he wants to edit. Besides, user is also required to enter the new recipe price and amount of ingredients included such as amount of chocolate, coffee, milk and sugar into the system. After the user enter all the new recipe details that he want to change and the recipe name entered can be found in the system, the system will print a message "Recipe (recipeToEdit) is successfully edited" to indicate that the recipe has been edited.

Sequence Diagram for Delete Recipe coffeemaker_deleterecipe

This is the sequence diagram for delete recipe use case. This sequence diagram includes controller class :Main and other domian classes such as aCM:CoffeeMaker, aRB:RecipeBook and aR:Recipe. If the user wants to delete recipe, the user needs to enter the recipe name into the system. If the recipe name entered is found in the system, the system will print a message "The (recipeDeleted) is successfully deleted" to indicate that the recipe is deleted from the system.