Use Case Diagram & Sequence Diagram for add inventory and check inventory - smashita/CoffeeMaker-2019 GitHub Wiki

Use Case Diagram


There are 6 use cases in CoffeeMaker which are add recipe, edit recipe, delete recipe, add inventory, check inventory and make coffee. User can manage recipe by adding recipe, editing recipe and deleting editing recipe.Use will also can add and check inventory in the coffee kiosk as well. When the user want to make coffee, the user need to purchase coffee after making coffee.

Sequence Diagram for add inventory


Above is the sequence diagram for add inventory use case. When the user want to add inventory, the user has to fill the number of unit of ingredient that want to add such as coffee, milk, sugar and chocolate.After the user finish adding the inventory, the system will print out "inventory successfully added" and return to main page for user to choose another option.

Sequence Diagram for check inventory


Above is the sequence diagram for check inventory use case. When the user want to check inventory, the system will retrieve inventory data from inventory class and display number of unit of inventory left in coffee kiosk such as coffee, milk, sugar and chocolate to user.