Make Coffee (Process View Control Flow) (Nurin) - smashita/CoffeeMaker-2019 GitHub Wiki

Control Flow

Stated above is the control flow diagram for make coffee. It works as explained below

  1. User choose to make coffee.
  2. System will get the coffee name
  3. Then, user needs to pay
  4. If the amount of payment is less than the price, error message will be given and system will be terminated
  5. If the payment is more than or equal the price, system will get the ingredient at Inventory class
  6. If the ingredient is not enough, the payment made will be returned and system will be terminated
  7. If the ingredient is enough, amount of ingredient will be subtracted from system which indicates coffee will be make.
  8. If the payment is same as the coffee price, change will not be given
  9. If payment more then coffee price, change will be given
  10. System terminated.