CoffeeMaker Project Wiki - smashita/CoffeeMaker-2019 GitHub Wiki

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Use Case Diagram of Coffee Maker

use case diagram coffee maker

There are 6 use cases in CoffeeMaker. The first one is manage recipe. User can manage recipe by adding recipe, deleting recipe and also editing recipe. The other use cases will be add inventory, check inventory, view recipe list, make coffee and purchase coffee. Make coffee use case has included purchase coffee use case. Therefore, the user must purchase coffee after he/she makes coffee.

Design Class Diagram

design class diagram

Figure above shows the design class diagram of Coffee Maker. There are 4 main classes in Coffee Maker which are Recipe, CoffeeMaker, RecipeBook and Inventory. The Main class is act as the controller class in this case. The arrow between each classes indicate the dependency relationship between them. For example, CoffeeMaker class is dependent on Inventory class because Coffeemaker can access Inventory to perform operation.

Communication Diagram / Collaboration Diagram for Add Inventory Use Case

commonicationdiagram(add inventory)

Figure above is the collaboration diagram of Add Inventory use case.

  • 4 is the return message from Main to user when inventory is added successfully.