Task1 Requirements - smart-glossa/bill GitHub Wiki


uname varchar primarykey,
password varchar,
name varchar,
phoneNumber varchar,
emailId varchar,
address varchar.

productId int primarykey,
pName varchar(100),
buyPrice float,
sellPrice float,
quantity float

saleId int primarykey,
billDate date,
vat float,
discount float,
billTotal float

saleLineId int autonumber primarykey,
saleId int foreignKey ONDELETE CASCADE,
productId int foreignkey,
quantity float,
cost float

payId int primarykey autonumber,
saleId int foreignKey ONDELETE CASCADE,
payDate date,
paidAmount float

customerId int primarykey,
name varchar,
Address varchar,
phoneNumber bigInt,

customerId int foreignkey ONDELETE CASCADE,
saleId int foreignKey ONDELETE CASCADE

purchaseId int primarykey,
billDate date,
vat float,
discount float,
billTotal float

purchaseLineId int autonumber primarykey,
purchaseId int foreignKey ONDELETE CASCADE,
productId int foreignkey,
quantity float,
buyPrice float,
sellPrice float

payId int primarykey autonumber,
purchaseId int foreignKey ONDELETE CASCADE,
payDate date,
paidAmount float

dealerId int primarykey,
name varchar,
address varchar,
phoneNumber bigInt,
TINNumber bigInt.

dealerId int foreignkey ONDELETE CASCADE,
purchaseId int foreignKey ONDELETE CASCADE

categoryId int primarykey,
categoryName varchar

expenseId int autonumber primarykey,
expdate date,
categoryId int foreignkey,
decsription varchar,
amount float

1. Signup Page:
2. SignIn Page:
3. Stock Page:
i) This Page should list all the products with their quantity and other details.
ii) Can able to delete the product.
4. Product Page:
i) Add/Update the Product details.
5. Sales Page:
i) can able to do billing and update the stock once billed. (subtract the quantity from stock)
ii) can able to add the new customer and link he/she to this bill.
6. SalesPayment Page:
Can able to add the payment and show the list of payments for the correponding bill.
7. Purchase page:
i) can able to do billing and update the stocks once billed. (add the quantity to the stock).
ii) can able to add the new dealer and link he/she to this bill
8. Purchase payment Page:
i) can able to add the payment and show the list of payments for the correponding bill.
9. CustomerPage:
i) can able to add/update/delete/list the customers
ii) can able to show the report of the customer vs bill vs payments
10. Dealer Page:
i) can able to add/update/delete/list the delaers
ii) can able to show the report of the dealers cs bill vs payments
11. Expense Page:
i) can able to add the expense category like Rent, Salary, EB, etc.,
ii) can able to add/update/delete/list the daily expenses.

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