Installing nuBuilder on Windows Using WAMP - smalos/nuBuilder4-Code-Library GitHub Wiki
How to Install nuBuilder on Windows Using WAMP
What is a WampServer?
WAMP stands for Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. WampServer is a Windows hosting and web development environment. It allows you to create web applications with Apache2, PHP and a MySQL database. WampServer also includes phpMyAdmin which allows you to easily manage your databases.
1. Update Visual C++ Redistributables
Make sure that you are up to date on all versions of Visual C++ Redistributable (both 32bit and 64bit) before running the WAMP installation.
2. Download the WampServer
WampServer is available in both 32 and 64 bit. Make sure you select the correct installer for your version of Windows. Download the installation file.
- For 64bit:
- For 32bit:
3. Run the Setup
Navigate to your downloads folder and find the WampServer installation file (e.g. (wampserver3.2.3_x64.exe). Double click the file to start the installation process.
4. In the Setup Wizard, choose...
- ... the installation location. E.g. C:\wamp64
- ... PHP 7.4.0 (or newer) MariaDB 10.4.13 (or newer), MySQL 8.0.21 (or newer)
- ... the default Browser. E.g. Chrome ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe")
- ... the default Editor (Notepad++ if installed: "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe")
5. WampServer icon
After the installation has finished you will need to look at your taskbar for a Green WampServer icon. If it is green then everything should be good to go. If the icon is orange or red there is a problem with Apache or mySQL. You will need to fix these problems before you can move on.
6. Create a Database in phpMyAdmin
nuBuilder will need a database to install on so we will need to create one. Left click the green WampServer icon in your taskbar and choose phpMyAdmin or just go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/. The default username is “root” and just leave the password field blank. Click the “Go” button to login.
On the left side of the screen you will see “ New”. Click it to go to the creation page where you can create your new database. The creation page lets you name your database. Name it anything you want (E.g. nubuilder4) and click the “Create” button. Remember the database name you choose as it will be used later in nuconfig.php.
7. Download nuBuilder files:
Download the nuBuilder 4 files from either Github or Sourceforge.
8. Unpack the files
Unpack the nuBuilder archive into a directory on your server. E.g to C:\wamp64\www\nubuilder4\
9. nuconfig.php
Update the variables in nuconfig.php ($nuConfigDBHost etc.)
10. Log in to nuBuilder
After you have completed these steps you should be able to go to a url that will look something like the following: http://localhost/nubuilder4. Open the URL in your browser.
Log in using globeadmin as the user name and the password you specified (Default Username: globeadmin, default Passwort: nu)
Additional Help:
- For some explanations on how Wampserver works see the file: wamp(64)\instructions_for_use.pdf
- To use MariaDB and MySQL correctly: see the file: wamp(64)\mariadb_mysql.txt