Home - smahood/report-cards GitHub Wiki

This is very much work-in-progress, so if you stumble across this somehow don't expect much of it.

report-cards is a reporting library (or toolkit, or environment - not sure what it will turn into yet) for Clojure that is inspired by devcards and figwheel and backed by [excel-templates] (https://github.com/tomfaulhaber/excel-templates). The goal of report-cards is to make writing reports as enjoyable as possible.

Sources of data to watch/read for ideas and plans:

[Bret Victor] (http://worrydream.com/)

Figwheel Video

Devcards Video

excel-templates Video

[chestnut video] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcdAIVOWBUQ)

[Cursive grammars] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt4haSH2xcs)