Build - smacklib/dev_smack GitHub Wiki

Uploading to GitHub packages

Smack's pom.xml has already the required section under distributionManagement:

     <name>GitHub Apache Maven Packages</name>

In addition make sure that you configured repository access as described on the Consuming Smack page. The difference is that you need a PAT with upload credentials.


Windows and Java

A problem on Windows is that the default path to $JAVA_HOME does contain spaces. A solution is to create a directory c:\links and place junctions to the respective Java installations there. The command to use is mklink. See the example below:

mklink c:\links\jdk11 /J "c:\Program Files\Amazon Coretto\jdk11.0.7_10"
set JAVA_HOME=c:\links\jdk11 -- Define this in the system environment variables.
PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin -- Define in user environment variables.

Note that for switching jdks PATH as well as JAVA_HOME need to be updated.

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