Queue - smab/playhouse-web GitHub Wiki

This documentation gives an overview of the Queue module (gamequeue.py).


The Queue module lets visitors of the Playhouse website queue up to play the various games in the Playhouse project.

Internally it uses a collections.deque to keep track of queue positions, websockets for communication between the front end and back end, and session cookies to keep track of connections. The websockets and session cookies are shared with the rest of the Playhouse package, which makes it easy to hand over connections to a game when it's their time to play.


The Queue python module uses websockets to communicate with the javascript front end. The messages are encoded with JSON, and there is only one type of message in each direction, shown below. Messages are sent using the API specified in the lightgames.py module.

The front end to back end message will contain two JSON attributes:

  • queueaction which specifies what action the user want to take, possible values are 1 for joining the queue and 0 for leaving the queue.

  • session which specifies which session this action belongs.

The back end to front end message will contain a single JSON attribute.

  • queuepos which specifies wether or not the user is in the queue, and at what position. Possible values are 0 for not in the queue, and any positive integer for in the queue and at the position specified by the value.

Usage in games

Games shouldn't interact with the queue directly, but rather use the methods specified by the [Game API](Game API). There is only 9 methods in gamequeue.py that is then called by lightgames.py for usage in the games:

  • gamequeue.try_get_new_players(): Tries to get new players from the queue and removes disconnected clients in the top the queue.

  • gamequeue.set_num_players(num): Sets the size of the player list.

  • gamequeue.remove_all_players(): Removes all players, see queue.remove_player(idx).

  • gamequeue.remove_player(idx): Removes a player from the player list and from the queue.

  • gamequeue.get_player_handlers(): Returns a list of handlers for player connections.

  • gamequeue.addplayer_callback(handler): Will be overridden by a game specific method in the game API, and called by the queue whenever a new player is added.

  • gamequeue.removeplayer_callback(handler): Will be overridden by a game specific method in the game API, and called by the queue whenever a new player is removed.

  • gamequeue.enqueue_callback(handler): Will be overridden by a game specific method in the game API, and called by the queue whenever a new player enqueues.

Internal methods

These are the methods used internally in gamequeue.py, some of which are connected to the rest of the Playhouse package.

  • on_connect(self, handler): Called externally when a new client connects. The queue will acknowledge this by sending a message over the handler websocket stating that the client is not in the queue.

  • size(self): Used to return the size of the internal deque object.

  • refresh(self): Will refresh the queue positions by iterating over the queue and send a message to each client with its current queue position.

  • on_close(self, handler): Called externally when a connection is closed. Will try to remove the connection from its list of session and then refresh the queue.

  • on_message(self, handler, msg): Called externally when a message from a client is sent over a websocket that is meant for the queue. This message will contain a queue action and the queue will try to either enqueue the client or remove it from the queue. If the client was removed from the queue it will refresh itself, and send a message to the client acknowledging that it is no longer in the queue. If the client was enqueued, it will send a message to the client with its position in the queue, and make and enqueue callback alerting the current game that there is a new player available.

  • clear(self): Will send a message to all enqueued clients stating they are no longer in the queue, and then remove all connections.

  • enqueue_callback(self, handler): This method is initially not defined, but will instead be overridden by the Game API. It is then called whenever a new client is enqueued, to allow the games to execute logic when there are new available players.