Game API - smab/playhouse-web GitHub Wiki

This documentation gives an overview of how to use the game API ( in order to create a Playhouse game.


Creating a game consists of subclassing the lightgames.Game class, as well as creating template files for the game and its corresponding configuration. For a game 'yourgame', the relevant files relative to the repository root are detailed below.

  ─ src
    ├── games
    │   └──
  ─ static
    ├── game-base.css
    └── game-base.js
  ─ templates
    ├── config
    │   ├── baseconfig.html
    │   └── yourgame.html
    └── game
        ├── base.html
        └── yourgame.html

The file contains most of the API functions that you will be interacting with, a well as the class that your game extends. The files game-base.css and game-base.js contain the CSS and JavaScript code shared between all games, and are included by the base.html template. The files base.html and baseconfig.html contain the base HTML outline that all games' templates (and their respective configuration templates) extend. You don't have to edit these files, but may want to inspect them to learn more about how they work and what functionality they provide.

Lifetime of a game

Your core game class, as previously mentioned, should extend the lightgames.Game class. The actual game logic is implemented by overriding appropriate methods invoked by the rest of the game infrastructure (i.e. the webserver) when appropriate events happen. This section documents what these events are, and when they are called.

The Game class itself maintains a set of handlers corresponding to connected clients, so that each game doesn't have to do that manually.

Setup & undoing setup

  • init(self)
    When the game instance is instantiated, its init method is invoked. Add initialization code for setting up a game instance here. The default implementation provided by the Game class simply invokes reset.

  • reset(self)
    Each time the state of a game object should be reset, its reset method is invoked. Note that the same instance is re-used for multiple game sessions. This method is invoked after a game is completed, when options are changed, etc.

  • destroy(self)
    Inovked when this game instance is about to be unloaded, and won't ever be re-used. The default implementation notifies all connected users that the game was destroyed.

Game implementation

  • on_message(self, handler, message)
    This is the most important method for the purpose of implementing a game. Invoked each time the game receives a JSON message from a client. message is the parsed JSON message (as a Dict/List/...) object.

  • sync(self, handler)
    The idea that this method syncs the current state of the game with the given client (handler). See also the sync_all utility function.


  • set_options(self, config)
    Invoked when the game options were updated, with a new configuration (as a dict mapping option-name keys to strings). The game should update its internal state to take these new options into account, and reset the game. May return a string, which is then interpreted as an error message indicating a bad configuration.

Class variables

Furthermore, some class variables are defined in lightgames.Game that the game overrides in order to choose template files and template interpolation variables to be used when rendering the game. These are:

  • config_file: the template file used for configuration (relative to templates/config)
  • template_file: the template file used for the game (relative to templates/game)
  • template_vars: interpolation options used for both the templates above.

Utility functions

The utility functions provided by the API is split into two groups: methods defined in the Game class, and static functions provided directly on the lightgames module.

Lamp-related methods (methods on Game)

  • send_lamp(self, x, y, change): perform a lamp change on a single lamp or on all lamps (see lamp API documentation for an explanation of change).

  • send_lamp_all(self, change): perform a lamp change on all lamps.

  • send_lamp_multi(self, changes): performs a set of changes in one batch, see asend_lamp above.

  • reset_lamp_all(self): enables all lamps, but sets them to display "black", i.e. set all lamps to a soft-off state. You probably want to invoke this in init or reset to preprae all lamps.

  • send_lamp_animation(self, coords, change, callback=None, revert=False): performs a "line" animation by performing change to the lamps in positions coords one at a time in an animated fashion. If revert is set, turn off the lamps similarly with a slight delay, to simulate movement. If callback is given, call it after the whole animation has comleted.

Utility methods (methods on Game)

  • sync_all(self): sync all connected handlers by invoking sync on each of them.

  • try_get_new_players(self, n): try to get n new players from the queue and add to the game (via add_player).

  • get_spectators(self): generator for iterating over spectators.

Utility functions (functions on lightgames)

  • send_msg(handler, msg): send a single message to a single connected client.

  • send_msgs(handlers, msg): send a single message to a set of clients (handlers is an arbitrary iterator).

  • send_msgs_animation(handlers, coords, message, callback=None, revert=False): corresponds to send_lamp_animation but for updating a set of clients.

  • reply_wrong_player(game, handler): complains to the given player that it shouldn't perform a move right now. Defined as a utility function since it is a very common operation for games to need.

  • game_over(game, winnerH, coords=set()): perform a game over with the given handler winnerH as the winner, and the set of lamps coords as the winning lamps. Notifies users about who won the game, plays a victory animation with coords, and then reset the game via reset.

  • set_timeout(deadline, callback): call callback after delay deadline. Thin wrapper around Tornado's ioloop.add_timeout.

  • get_grid_size(): returns the size of the grid as setup in configuration/as defined by available hardware. Usable by games in order to adjust themselves to available lamps.

  • rgb_to_xyz(r, g, b): performs conversion from the RGB to the xyZ colour space.

  • rgb_to_hue(r, g, b): performs conversion from the RGB to the HSL colour space (but only the hue channel).

  • parse_color(color): parses a hexadecimal RGB colour (i.e. '#FF0000') into a triple (r,g,b).