CwTclconfig - sm0svx/svxlink GitHub Wiki

To use the CW identification, you have to change two .tcl files. They are located in /usr/share/svxling/sounds/event.d The files are RepeaterLogic.tcl and Logic.tcl

In the file Repeaterlogic.tcl you need to change some lines:


proc repeater_up {reason} {
  global mycall;
  global active_module;
  variable repeater_is_up;

  set repeater_is_up 1;

  if {($reason != "SQL_OPEN") && ($reason != "CTCSS_OPEN")} {
    set now [clock seconds];
    if {$now-$Logic::prev_ident < $Logic::min_time_between_ident} {
    set Logic::prev_ident $now;

### Add the next line #######

    CW::play $mycall;

### Comment the next two lines out ###
#    spellWord $mycall;
#    playMsg "Core" "repeater";

    playSilence 250;

    if {$active_module != ""} {
      playMsg "Core" "active_module";
      playMsg $active_module "name";

# Executed when the repeater is deactivated
proc repeater_down {} {
  global mycall;
  variable repeater_is_up;

  set repeater_is_up 0;

  set now [clock seconds];
  if {$now-$Logic::prev_ident < $Logic::min_time_between_ident} {
    playTone 400 900 50
    playSilence 100
    playTone 360 900 50
    playSilence 500
  set Logic::prev_ident $now;

### Add the next line ###

  CW::play $mycall;

### Comment the next two lines out ###
#  spellWord $mycall;
#  playMsg "Core" "repeater";

  playSilence 250;

  #playMsg "../extra-sounds" "shutdown";


In the file Logic.tcl you have to make a similar change


# Executed when a short identification should be sent
#   hour    - The hour on which this identification occur
#   minute  - The hour on which this identification occur
proc send_short_ident {hour minute} {
  global mycall;
  variable CFG_TYPE;

### Add the next line ###

  CW::play $mycall;

### Comment the next six lines out ###
#  spellWord $mycall;
#  if {$CFG_TYPE == "Simplex"} {
#    playMsg "EchoLink" "link";
#  } elseif {$CFG_TYPE == "Repeater"} {
#    playMsg "EchoLink" "repeater";
#  }

  playSilence 500;


Your system should be doing a lot of CW now (hi)

73' Foeke PA3FNT
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️