Databases - slaymance/client-service GitHub Wiki

Table of Contents

  1. User Information

User Information

The user information is stored in a PostgresQL database. Refer to the table below for guidance on the users table schema:

id joinDate age paidStatus genreGroup favoriteArtists favoriteGenres locationId
1 2017-10-10 14:47:20.872-07 25 true 3 [4, 2, 6, 8] [1, 67, 21, 2] 1
  • age is the age of the user between 18 - 70
  • paidStatus is true if the user pays for the service, false if otherwise
  • genreGroup is the genre's ID to which the user belongs for clustering purposes
  • favoriteArtists is an array of the user's favorite artists by ID (reference the music-inventory repository for details)
  • favoriteGenres is an array of the user's favorite genres by ID (reference the music-inventory repository for details)
  • locationId refers to the user's location by id, which is relational to the locations table schema below:
id name
1 New York City