Schema - slavnikov/BootUp GitHub Wiki

Database Schema


Column Name Data Type Details
id int pk
name str nn
email str nn, u
session_token str nn, u
password_digest str nn
picture_url str
biography txt
location str
time_zone int
  • users' email addresses will be used as usernames and will be the primary key of looking up users
  • has_many comments, backed_projects, rewards


Column Name Data Type Details
id int pk
admin_id int fk, nn
pledge_goal int nn
title str nn, u
subtitle str nn
category str nn
subcategory str
subtitle txt nn
country str nn
story txt nn
end_date date nn
  • admin_id references user table
  • belongs_to a user
  • has_many rewards, backers, comments


Column Name Data Type Details
id int pk
project_id int fk, nn
title str nn
pledge_amt int nn
description txt nn
  • porject_id links the rewards to their respective projects
  • index on [project_id, title], unique: true
  • index on [project_id, pldege_amt], unique: true
  • has_many recipients


Column Name Data Type Details
id int pk
backer_id int fk, nn
project_id int fk, nn
reward_id int fk, nn
  • links users to their backed_projects and to their rewards
  • index on [backer_id, project_id, reward_id], unique: true
  • links projects to their backers
  • links rewards to their recipients