Quickstart - slavik57/moqjs GitHub Wiki

MoqJQ is intended to be simple to use, strong typed and minimalistic. Based on the .Net Moq library.

You can find the api's:

Mole Api

How to setup properties or functions

How to match arguments

How to verify properties/function calls


var mole = new Mole(new FooClass());
mole.setup(foo => foo.doSomething("ping")).returns(true);

// access invocation arguments when returning a value
mole.setup(x => x.doSomething(It.IsAny(String)))
		.returns((s: string) => s + '!!!');

// throwing when invoked
mole.setup(foo => foo.doSomething("reset"))
    .throws('invalid operation');

mole.setup(foo => foo.doSomething(""))
    .throws({ error: 'the argument cant be empty string'});

// lazy evaluating return value
mole.setup(foo => foo.getCount()).lazyReturns(() => count);

// returning different values on each invocation
var mole = new Mole(new FooClass());
var calls = 0;
mole.setup(foo => foo.getCountThing())
	.lazyReturns(() => calls)
	.callback(() => calls++);
// returns 0 on first invocation, 1 on the next, and so on

Matching Arguments

// any value
mole.setup(foo => foo.doSomething(It.isAny(String))).returns(true);

// matching lazy evaluated
mole.setup(foo => foo.add(It.is(i => i % 2 == 0))).returns(true); 

// matching ranges
mole.setup(foo => foo.add(It.isInRange<int>(0, 10))).returns(true); 

// matching regex
mole.setup(x => x.doSomething(It.isRegExp(new RegExp("[a-d]+")))).returns("foo");


mole.setup(foo => foo.name).returns("bar");

// expects an invocation to set the value to "foo"
mole.setup(foo => foo.name = "foo");

// or verify the setter directly
mole.verify(foo => foo.name = "foo");


var mole = new Mole(new FooClass());
mole.setup(foo => foo.execute("ping"))
	.callback(() => calls++);

// access invocation arguments
mole.setup(foo => foo.execute(It.isAny(String)))
	.callback((s: string) => calls.push(s));

// access arguments for methods with multiple parameters
mole.setup(foo => foo.execute(It.isAny(Number), It.isAny(String)))
	.callback((i: number, s: string) => calls.push(s));

// callbacks can be specified before and after invocation
mole.setup(foo => foo.execute("ping"))
	.callback(() => console.log("Before returns"))
	.Callback(() => console.log("After returns"));


var result = mole.verify(foo => foo.execute("ping"));

// Method should never be called
mole.verify(foo => foo.execute("ping"), Times.exact(0));

// Called at least once
mole.verify(foo => foo.execute("ping"), Times.atLeast(1));

mole.verify(foo => foo.name);

// Verify setter invocation, regardless of value.
mole.verify(foo => foo.name = It.is(() => true));

// Verify setter called with specific value
mole.verify(foo => foo.name ="foo");

// Verify setter with an argument matcher
mole.verify(foo => foo.value = It.isInRange(1, 5));

Customizing Mole Behavior

  • Make mole behave by raising exceptions for anything that doesn't have a corresponding expectation: a "Strict" mole; mole.isStrict = true;

  • Invoke base class implementation if no expectation overrides the member: default is true.

    mole.callBase = true;


  • Setting expectations for private members (TypeScript) (you can't get intellisense for these, so you access them using the member name as a string):

    // if you need argument matching, you can pass them 
    // after the function/property name
    mole.setup("Execute",5, It.isAny(String), 'some third value')

Advanced Features

// get mole from a moled instance
var foo = // get moled object somehow
var fooMole = Mole.findMoleByObject(foo);
fooMole.setup(f => f.submit()).returns(true);

// custom matchers
mole.setup(foo => foo.Submit(It.is((s: string) => !s && s.length > 100)))
    .throws('too long string');
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