Songs - skyjay1/GreekFantasy GitHub Wiki


Users can change or add their own songs using datapacks. This is done by providing a datapack with a JSON file for the song that is added or changed. The JSON file must be located at data/[modid]/songs/[song_name].json. The JSON file must specify:


name ("translation.key"): text containing either the name of the song or a translation key to the name of the song

  • Example: "name": "" (looks up translation key "")
  • Example: "name": "My Cool Song" (translation not supported)


credits ("translation.key"): text containing either the author(s) of the song or a translation key to the author(s) of the song

  • Example: "credits": "song.mycoolsong.credits" (looks up translation key "song.mycoolsong.credits")
  • Example: "credits": "2020 John Doe"


interval (number) the number of ticks between playing each note

  • Example: "interval": 5 (results in 20/5=4 notes per second)


length (number) the number of notes in whichever array is longer (treble or bass)

  • Example: "length": 126
  • Optional in 1.18+


treble (array): all of the notes to play at full volume. Values are 0-24. Notes with a value of 0 will not be played.

  • Example: "treble": [ 0,0,0,0, 11,15,17,0, 11,15,17,0, 11,15,17,22, 20,0,17,18, 17,13,10,0, 8,10,13,10, 0,0,0,0 ]


bass (array): all of the notes to play at half volume. Values are 0-24. Notes with a value of 0 will not be played. If the array is shorter than the specified length, the remaining notes are filled in with 0s.

  • Example: "bass": [ 2,9,2,9,2,9,2,9, 3,8,3,8,3,8,3,8 ]

Example Song JSON

Here is a full example of a valid song JSON, this one located at data/greekfantasy/songs/annoying.json

  "name": "",
  "credits": "Me, Myself, and I",
  "interval": 2,
  "length": 32,
  "treble": [
    0,0,0,0, 11,11,11,11, 15,15,15,15, 17,17,17,17, 20,20,20,20, 22,22,22,22, 24,24,24,24, 0,0,0,0
  "bass": [
    2,9,2,9, 2,9,2,9, 3,8,3,8, 3,8,3,8, 2,9,2,9, 2,9,2,9, 3,8,3,8, 3,8,3,8


Note: The lowest F# (0) cannot be played because 0 is interpreted as "no note"