Quests - skyjay1/GreekFantasy GitHub Wiki


Users can change or add quests using datapacks. This is done by providing a datapack with a JSON file for the quest that is added or changed. The JSON file must be located at data/[modid]/quests/[quest_name].json. The JSON file must specify:


description ("translation.key"): text containing either the name of the quest or a translation key to the name of the quest

  • Example: "description": "quest.greekfantasy.tame_pegasus" (looks up translation key "quest.greekfantasy.tame_pegasus")
  • Example: "description": "Quest: Tame Pegasus" (translation not supported)


components (list of "translation.key"): list of translation keys. Each one will be displayed on a separate line if possible.

  • Example:
"components": [

(looks up translation keys for each line)


disabled (true/false) whether the quest is removed from the quest pool. Optional. Defaults to false.

  • Example: "disabled": false

Example Quest JSON

Here is a full example of a valid quest JSON, this one located at data/greekfantasy/quests/trade_with_centaur.json

  "description": "quest.greekfantasy.trade_with_centaur",
  "components": [
  "disabled": false