Olive Salve - skyjay1/GreekFantasy GitHub Wiki


Olive Salve is an item that gives the player various potion effects when used.


Olive salve is crafted with olive oil, kelp, and some other ingredient. The other ingredient determines the potion effect(s) of the salve.

Primary effects

The olive salve has 100% chance of applying its primary mob effect for 250 ticks.

Secondary effects

There are typically three possible secondary effects and one is chosen at random. The olive salve has approximately 75% chance to apply a positive secondary effect and 25% chance to apply a negative secondary effect. Regeneration is almost always a possible secondary effect.


As of Greek Fantasy 18.2.0, the following items will result in the following primary and secondary effects.

  • Bone Meal
    • Primary: Glowing
    • Secondary: Regeneration, Speed, Hunger
  • Brown / Red Mushroom
    • Primary: Haste
    • Secondary: Poison, Regeneration, Hunger
  • Lily Pad
    • Primary: Water Breathing
    • Secondary: Regeneration, Slow Swim, Mining Fatigue
  • Chorus Fruit
    • Primary: Levitation
    • Secondary: Regeneration, Glowing, Luck
  • Cocoa Beans
    • Primary: Resistance
    • Secondary: Regeneration, Mining Fatigue, Stunned
  • Pomegranate
    • Primary: Fire Resistance
    • Secondary: Prisoner of Hades, Slow Falling, Regeneration
  • Scute
    • Primary: Resistance 3
    • Secondary: Slowness 5, Slowness 3, Slowness 1
  • Sugar Cane
    • Primary: Speed
    • Secondary: Haste, Poison, Regeneration
  • Sweet Berries
    • Primary: Instant Health
    • Secondary: Strength, Slowness, Poison
  • Beetroot
    • Primary: Jump Boost
    • Secondary: Slow Falling, Regeneration, Curse of Circe
  • Crimson / Warped Fungus
    • Primary: Fire Resistance
    • Secondary: Stunned, Mining Fatigue, Regeneration
  • Crimson / Warped roots
    • Primary: Night Vision
    • Secondary: Regeneration, Hunger, Weakness
  • Crimson / Warped Vines
    • Primary: Invisibility
    • Secondary: Slow Falling, Regeneration, Blindness
  • Bamboo
    • Primary: Health Boost
    • Secondary: Luck, Blindness, Regeneration
  • Big Dripleaf
    • Primary: Water Breathing
    • Secondary: Jump Boost, Slowness, Regeneration
  • Hanging Roots
    • Primary: Health Boost
    • Secondary: Mining Fatigue, Regeneration, Slow Swim
  • Fern
    • Primary: Regeneration
    • Secondary: Instant Health, Hunger, Weakness
  • Grass
    • Primary: Instant Health
    • Secondary: Regeneration, Glowing, Hunger
  • Moss Carpet
    • Primary: Absorption
    • Secondary: Regeneration, Slow Swim, Blindness
  • Spore Blossom
    • Primary: Regeneration
    • Secondary: Invisibility, Glowing, Night Vision
  • Cactus
    • Primary: Saturation
    • Secondary: Poison, nausea, Regeneration