Creature Guide - skyjay1/GreekFantasy GitHub Wiki
Creature List
The Greek Fantasy mod adds dozens of interesting creatures to your world. See below for a complete list:
- (Neutral until attacked) Women cursed to have their hearts turn to flint
- 24 health, 2.5 attack
- Attacks: equips a flint knife and calls other nearby Aras to its aid
- Spawns: in Ara Tents made of grey and white wool. These tents sometimes have a chest.
- Drops: flint, flint knife
- (Miniboss) The Spider Queen who was cursed by Athena long ago
- 80 health, 4.5 attack
- Attacks:
- Throws Web Balls when the player is 3 or more blocks away
- Melee attack when the player is within 3 blocks
- Spawns: in marble dungeons underground
- Drops: String, Golden String, Web Ball, Spider Banner Pattern, Silkstep enchantment
- (Passive) A golden horse that is incredibly fast
- Average 30 more health than a horse
- Healed with gold items (see item tag
) - Spawns: when a tamed horse is given an enchanted golden apple
- Drops: gold, leather
Texture by dandmaster1
- (Passive toward player, hostile toward monsters) Friendly version of the Talos.
- 210 health, 9 attack
- Follows players that are holding a bronze ingot
- Attacks: arrow storm or melee attack
- Spawns: built by placing a bronze block on top of an ichor-infused gearbox
- Drops: copper, ichor-infused gears
Baby Spider
- (Hostile) miniature spider - that's all
- 4 health, 1 attack
- Spends most of its time running aimlessly
- Attacks: hits the player for a small amount of damage
- Spawns:
- 40% chance to spawn when a player throws a Web Ball
- 100% chance to spawn when an Arachne throws a Web Ball
- Drops: 50% chance for spider drops, 50% chance to drop nothing
Bronze Bull
- (Boss) Fierce, fire-breathing, clockwork bull
- To summon the Bronze Bull, build a 2x2 of gold blocks with 2 ichor-infused blocks on the sides
- 4 health, 1 attack
- Spends most of its time running aimlessly
- Attacks: hits the player for a small amount of damage
- Spawns: when a 2x2 of copper blocks is built with 2 bronze blocks on the sides
- Drops: gold, ichor, ichor-infused gear (used for Hellenic armor which gives projectile immunity from the front)
- (Neutral until attacked) Half-men, half-horse
- 34 health, 4 attack
- Seven variants: Black, Brown, Chestnut, Creamy, Dark Brown, Gray, White
- Centaurs have a 66% chance to spawn with a bow and quiver
- Attacks: with a bow if it has one, otherwise with melee
- Spawns: in plains and taiga areas
- Trades: gives Quest items in exchange for blank paper or other quest items
- Drops: leather, arrows
- (Hostile) Horned vipers
- 24 health, 1 attack
- Can be tamed with rabbit meat (see item tag
) - Hostile towards players and rabbits at a range
- Hostile toward anything that touches it
- Hides in the sand so only its horns are visible
- Attacks: rushes toward the player and bites them, applying a poison effect
- Spawns: in the desert and other sandy areas
- Drops: horn (used for Ambrosia), snake fang (used for poison-tipped arrows)
- (Boss) The three-headed hound of the underworld
- 120 health, 8 attack
- The Cerberus head can be worn over the player's head
- Attacks:
- Summons an Orthus with a temporary lifespan and no drops
- Breathes fire
- Spawns: when an Orthus head is dropped into a 2x2 of lava surrounded by a 4x4 of blackstone (see block tag
)- The lava will turn to magma
- The corner blocks are optional
- Drops: cerberus head, avernal hide (used for the Helm of Darkness)
- (Boss) Whirlpool monster of the deep sea
- 160 health, 4.5 attack
- Attacks:
- Attracts and swirls any nearby creatures that are in the water. Players in boats are not affected
- Throws nearby creatures upward and damages boats
- Spawns: when feeding a Heart of the Sea to a Whirl
- Drops: treasure chest loot, conch (used for the Bag of Wind)
- (Miniboss) Sorcerer that can turn biped creatures into pigs (see config setting
) - 60 health, 1 attack
- Attacks: casts a swine spell every 4.5 seconds
- Spawns: 2% chance to replace a witch that is spawned
- Drops: witch drops, swine wand
- (Hostile) One-eyed monsters that are slightly bigger than the player
- 36 health, 6 attack
- 25% chance to spawn with a wooden club; 25% chance to spawn with a stone club; 50% chance to spawn without a club
- Runs away from creatures that are named "Nobody"
- Attacks: hits the player with high knockback
- Spawns: in mountain areas
- Drops: bronze nuggets, clubs
- (Hostile) Bull-headed centaurs
- 22 health, 4 attack
- Hostile toward centaurs
- Seven variants: Black, Brown, Chestnut, Creamy, Dark Brown, Gray, White
- Cyprians have a 66% chance to spawn with a bow and quiver
- Attacks: with a bow if it has one, otherwise with melee
- Spawns: plains and taiga areas
- Only spawns at night
- Drops: leather, arrows, horn (used for Ambrosia)
- (Hostile) Snake monsters
- Three variants: green, red, and brown
- 24 health, 2.5 attack
- Attacks:
- Green applies a poison effect with its melee attack
- Red applies fire with its melee attack
- Brown applies a hunger effect with its melee attack
- Spawns: in most overworld biomes and the nether
- Only spawns at night
- Snakeskin (used for potion of mirroring and healing rod), snake fang (used for poison arrows)
Textures by dandmaster1 and Beau The Moose
- (Neutral) Spirits of the trees and protectors of nature
- 24 health, 3 attack
- Neutral until attacked or until a player breaks a tree of the same type as the dryad
- Seven variants: Acacia, Birch, Dark Oak, Jungle, Oak, Olive, and Spruce
- Hides inside trees of its type
- Has a short anger timer (stops targeting the player after about 10 seconds)
- Flees from Satyrs
- Attacks: hits the player for a small amount of damage
- Spawns: in most overworld biomes
- Trading: give the dryad any item in the
item tag and the dryad will drop any item in thegreekfantasy:gameplay/dryad_trade
loot table (thematch_tool
condition can detect the offered item) - Drops: saplings, leaves, sticks
Textures by Beau The Moose
- (Passive) Spirit of hope
- 24 health
- Trades with the player
- The player can give the Elpis a diamond (see item tag
) - The Elpis will give the player ichor, then disappear
- The player can give the Elpis a diamond (see item tag
- Has the ability to fly
- Spawns: 60% chance to appear after opening a Mysterious Box
- Drops: none
- (Hostile) Vampiric demon
- 24 health, 3 attack
- Attacks:
- Lifesteal (indicated by particle beam) when the player is within 6 blocks and in direct line of sight
- This attack heals the empusa for 150% of the damage dealt
- Melee attack when lifesteal is on cooldown
- Lifesteal (indicated by particle beam) when the player is within 6 blocks and in direct line of sight
- Spawns: in most overworld biomes
- Only spawns at night. Dies during the day.
- Drops: avernal wing (used to tame Orthus), avernal hair (used for Cursed Bow, Bident, Greek Fire)
- (Hostile) imp-like harbringers of doom
- 24 health, 3.5 attack
- Has the ability to fly
- When aggressive, its hair transforms into writhing black snakes
- Attacks:
- Shoots curses at the player. Curses apply a negative potion effect at random
- Melee attack when Curse is on cooldown
- Spawns: in the nether
- Drops: avernal wing (used to tame Orthus), avernal shards (used for Helm of Darkness)
- (Boss) Three-headed gigante whose only passion is his herd of Mad Cows
- 160 health, 5 attack
- Hostile toward players and iron golems
- Resists 60% of damage
- Attacks:
- Smashes its club to break blocks in front of it and damage nearby creatures
- Uses its horn to summon a Mad Cow that will attack the player
- Spawns: when a cow is killed by a player within 2 blocks of 3 gigante heads. There cannot be any blocks that are tagged in
in the area it will spawn. - Drops: diamonds, netherite scrap, Club of Smashing, Shield of Mirroring
Giant Boar
- (Miniboss) Hoglin on steroids
- 80 health, 6 attack
- Attacks: hits the player with high knockback
- Spawns: when a hoglin is given a poisonous potato outside of the nether (see item tag
) - Drops: porkchops, boar ear (used for Wand of Circe and Curse of Circe Potion), boar tusk (used for Ivory Sword)
- (Neutral until attacked) the original giants
- 100 health, 5.5 attack
- Approximately 5 blocks tall
- Resists 40% of damage
- 25% chance to spawn with a wooden club; 25% chance to spawn with a stone club; 50% chance to spawn without a club
- The Gigante head can be worn over the players head
- Attacks: hits the player with high knockback
- Spawns: in mountain areas and snowy plains
- Drops: gigante head
Golden Ram
- (Neutral until attacked) Special sheep with the legendary golden fleece
- 20 health, 3 attack
- When sheared, turns into a yellow sheep and drops Golden Fleece (used to make Totem of Undying)
- Spawns: as a favor effect from Hera, or when dragons breath is fed to a yellow sheep
- Drops: sheep drops, horn (does not drop fleece when killed)
- (Hostile) Cursed snake-women with terrifying features
- 24 health, 2 attack
- Looking a gorgon in the face will paralyze the player. When paralyzed, players are unable to move, jump, or use items
- Immune to damage from other Gorgons
- Gorgons have a 0.8% chance to spawn as a Medusa, or 95% chance to become a Medusa when struck by lightning
- Medusa has 84 health, 4 attack, and +8% move speed
- Medusa spawns with a bow
- Looking a Medusa in the face will apply a wither effect
- Attacks: with a bow if it has one, otherwise with melee
- Spawns: in most overworld biomes
- Only spawns at night
- Drops: snakeskin (used for the Staff of Healing), deadly fang (used for poison tipped arrows and snakeskin armor), gorgon blood (drink)
- (Hostile) half-bird, half-woman scourge of the skies
- 24 health, 3 attack
- Has the ability to fly
- Usually returns to its nest after a fight
- Attacks: scratches the player with its claws
- Spawns: in harpy nests found in most overworld biomes, and sometimes in desert areas
- Drops: feathers, avernal feathers (used for the Bag of Wind and Winged Sandals)
- (Miniboss) Vicious many-headed snake. The only way to keep its heads from growing back is to burn them with fire.
- Each head has 22 health and 6 attack
- The Hydra heals constantly as long as it has at least 1 head
- If a head is killed without fire, it grows back along with a new head (maximum of 10 heads)
- Items that can light the head on fire to prevent it from growing: Avernal Bow, Bow of Apollo, flint-and-steel, Flame or Fire Aspect weapon
- Spawns: in desert and savanna biomes
- Drops: Poison Spear, Poison Arrows
- (Neutral) Spirits of the trees and protectors of nature in the Nether
- 24 health, 3 attack
- Neutral until attacked or until a player breaks a tree of the same type as the lampad
- Three variants: Crimson Stem, Warped Stem, Pomegranate
- Hides inside trees of its type
- Has a short anger timer (stops targeting the player after about 10 seconds)
- Attacks: hits the player for a small amount of damage
- Spawns: in crimson and warped forest biomes
- Trading: give the lampad any item in the
item tag and the lampad will drop any item in thegreekfantasy:gameplay/lampad_trade
loot table (thematch_tool
condition can detect the offered item) - Drops: saplings, leaves, sticks
Mad Cow
- (Hostile) identical to a regular cow except for the part where it tries to eat you
- 10 health, 1 attack
- Has deranged red eyes
- Spends most of its time running aimlessly until it starves to death
- Attacks: hits the player for a small amount of damage
- Spawns: in most overworld biomes, and when summoned by the Geryon
- Drops: beef, leather
- (Hostile/Neutral) spirit of war that can either help or hurt the player
- 12 health, 5 attack
- Has 2 heads and 6 arms that each wield a sword
- Attacks players with low favor with Ares or who are not on the same Team as the player that triggered its appearance
- Attacks: sword attack
- Spawns: when a player enters combat
- Despawns: within 14 seconds after combat ends
- Drops: nothing
- (Hostile) Half-men, half bull creatures that charge on sight
- 24 health, 3.5 attack
- Attacks:
- Charges toward the player when the player is more than 2.5 blocks away and in direct line of sight
- The charge is preceded by 2 seconds of stomping
- If the minotaur charge is successful, the player is stunned and cannot move, jump, or use items
- If the minotaur misses its charge attack, the minotaur is stunned for a short time
- The minotaur's attack damage and knockback are multiplied by 250% while charging
- The minotaur will aim for a spot up to 4 blocks behind the player
- Melee attack when the charge is on cooldown
- Charges toward the player when the player is more than 2.5 blocks away and in direct line of sight
- Spawns: in most overworld biomes
- Only spawns at night
- Drops: leather, horn (used for Ambrosia)
- (Neutral until attacked) Gentle protectors of the rivers and oceans
- 24 health, 3 attack
- Hostile toward drowned zombies
- Two variants: Ocean and River
- Ocean Naiads have a 25% chance to spawn with a trident
- River Naiads have a 14% chance to spawn with a trident
- Immune to damage from other Naiads
- Resists 40% of damage from undead creatures
- Attacks: with a trident if it has one, otherwise melee
- Drops: cod, prismarine
Nemean Lion
- (Miniboss) Giant lion with arrow-proof hide.
- 100 health, 9 attack
- Takes suffocating damage while being ridden by a player
- Attacks: melee attack
- Spawns: in deserts in Lion Dens. Can also spawn when an Ocelot with the Strength potion effect is hit by lightning.
- Drops: Nemean Lion Hide (prevents projectile damage from behind)
- (Hostile) Two-headed dog from the underworld
- 24 health, 4 attack
- Can be tamed with avernal wing (see item tag
) - Its four red eyes glow in the dark
- The orthus head can be worn on top of the player's head
- Attacks: jumping melee attack and fire-breath attack
- Spawns: in the nether
- Drops: dog claw (used for Sharpness enchantment), orthus head (used to summon Cerberus)
- (Passive) Playful winged horse
- Typically only flies when being ridden
- Average 10 more health than a horse
- Only players holding a golden bridle can attempt to ride and tame a pegasus
- Spawns: in mountains, sunflower fields, and flower forests
- Drops: horse drops, feathers
- (Miniboss) Huge, venomous snake of lore
- 70 health, 4.5 attack
- This creature should really be called the Viper or the Cobra (because those are venomous; constrictors are not), but Python sounded cooler
- Attacks:
- Spits three balls of venom that apply poison to the player
- Melee attack when venom spit is on cooldown
- Spawns: in pyramid-shaped pits found half-buried in the jungle
- Drops: snakeskin (used for Healing Rod and Potion of Mirroring)
- (Neutral until attacked) Fun-loving goatmen of the forest
- 24 health, 2 attack
- 24% chance to spawn as a Shaman
- Eight variants: Black, Brown, Chestnut, Creamy, Dark Brown, Gray, Grover, White
- Satyrs will go to, light, and dance around campfires while playing their panflute. This includes soul campfires
- Satyrs will alert any nearby Shamans when they are attacked
- Attacks:
- The Satyr Shaman can play its panflute to summon 3 angry wolves
- Other satyrs use a melee attack
- Spawns: in Satyr camps around a campfire
- Drops: wild rose, sweet berries, panflute
- (Hostile) Spirit of the deceased
- 12 health, 0.1 attack
- Loosely inspired by Hollow Knight
- Attacks:
- If the player has any experience, the Shade will steal up to 10 experience each attack
- If the player has no experience, the Shade will apply a wither effect for 4 seconds
- Spawns:
- Any time a player dies, with about half of the player's experience
- In all biomes, very rarely
- Drops: all the experience it has stolen
- (Hostile) half-fish, half-woman who lures players in to eat them
- 24 health, 3 attack
- Attacks:
- Charms the player by singing
- While charmed, players within 12 blocks are given the slow swim effect.
- While charming, the Siren's attack damage is multiplied by 200%
- Spawns: in ocean areas
- Drops: pufferfish
- (Passive/Hostile) Skeleton warriors who will defend you to their last breath
- 54 health, 2 attack
- Sparti always spawn with an iron sword
- Sparti will follow their owner and attack any mobs that iron golems attack
- The armor that Sparti wear is purely decorational
- Spawns: when a player throws a Dragon Tooth at the ground
- Drops: none
- (Boss) Brass automaton that exists only to destroy
- 150 health, 9 attack
- Resists 62% of damage
- Hostile toward iron golems
- Does not wander around (only moves when attacking)
- The spawn animation was made in less than an hour using math
- Attacks:
- Arrow barrage for 4 seconds
- Melee attack when arrow barrage is on cooldown
- Spawns: when a player places a bronze block on top of a 3x2 of copper blocks
- Drops: coppper, arrows, Talos Heart (used for Palladium), ichor (used for Ambrosia, Thunderbolt, ichor-infused block)
- (Passive) Magical horse with a single white horn
- Average 28 more health than a horse
- Immune to all negative potion effects
- Runs away from players who are not sneaking
- Only players holding a golden bridle can attempt to ride and tame a unicorn
- Spawns: in sunflower fields and flower forests
- Drops: unicorn horn (used to heal from negative potion effects)
- (Passive) Mystical water spirit
- Attracts and eats dropped items within 9 blocks
- Feed it a Heart of the Sea to summon the Charybdis
- Spawns: in oceans
- Drops: nothing