‐‐ 2. Vanilla Animation - skyewontmiss/ExtendedCharts-For-CSharp GitHub Wiki
Vanilla Animation can affect certain objects differently, and generally just need different parameters overall. We will try our best to be concise, and if there's anything you don't understand, please let us know.
There are three plugins inside of the Animation Package of VanillaExtendedCharts. These are:
- TransformIJ: This takes care of the Transform of the object. Parameters such as Position, Rotation, and Scale, are taken care of with IJ.
- ExtendedInterface: This takes care of specific UI on some objects. Parameters such as the current Text, and Image displayed, are taken care of with EI, and is only supported on Image and Text objects.
- OverColor: This takes care of the colorful aspect of an object. Parameters such as Color and Opacity are taken care of with OC.
Now that you know what these are, let's do some code and figure out how to call these things.