New user guide - skw32/ GitHub Wiki
HPC facilities
1. Summer
ssh -X [email protected]
Useful links:
Example submission script for VASP calculation:
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -l walltime=48:00:00,nodes=4:ppn=32
#PBS -m n
#PBS -q csp
#PBS -N jobName
ulimit -s unlimited
module purge
module load gcc/7.1.0 ompi/3.1.1 mkl/18
mpirun -np 128 /W/av245900/Codes/VASP_5.4.4_gcc_skylake/vasp.5.4.4/bin/vasp_std
2. Irene
ssh -X [email protected]
For more information see:
Email address for user support: [email protected]
Useful paths
Warning: Jobs are run from the scratch directory, but files not accessed for over 60 days will be deleted. The work directory is not purged, but is also not backed up! The store directory is the best for long term storage of data. (See later for adding rsync backup to your .bashrc)
Useful commands on irene
For submitting a job: ccc_msub
For checking jobs in the queue: ccc_mpp -u $USER
For checking remaining project hours: ccc_myproject
To kill a job: scancel BATCHID
Transferring data to irene
To avoid issues with permissions (that sometimes arise from using scp or tar decompression), using rsync to transfer data with specific options is a good solution. The following alias can be added to the .bashrc on your local machine. Change PROJECTCODE accordingly and this function can be run from the shell just as irene_rsync what-you-what-to-send where-you-want-to-receive-it
# rsync for irene (issue with gitbit permissions with scp or tar files)
# Two args: source, destination
function irene_rsync {
rsync -a ${1} ${2} --chmod=Dg+s --chown=:PROJECTCODE
Submitting jobs
- Skylake nodes: 48 cores each
- Submit script with: ccc_msub
- Check queue with: ccc_mpp (or 'ccc_mpp -u $USER' to just see yourself!)
- Execute binary with mpi: ccc_mprun
- To kill a job: scancel BATCHID (where BATCHID can be found from the queue or when submitting the job)
- For more information on job submission, see:
Example submission script for VASP calculation:
For VASP, must email [email protected] to request a new user form, you will then be able to load the vasp module, as in the example submission script below.
#MSUB -q skylake
#MSUB -A gen10765
#MSUB -r jobName
#MSUB -n 48
#MSUB -T 6000
#MSUB -m work
# If you are working on several project codes, edit and uncomment the line below
#module switch dfldatadir/PROJECTCODE
module load vasp
ccc_mprun vasp
Extra notes:
- Time (#MSUB -T) is in seconds on irene
- Using the test queue:
#MSUB -Q test
(Note: QoS is limited to 2 jobs of maximum 30 minutes and 10 nodes each)
Optional additions to your .bashrc
Save yourself some typing with custom commands, e.g. alias q='ccc_mpp -u $USER'
Misc. useful things for HPC usage
For setting up ssh keys (for password-less login), see:
tree -L 3
e.g. is like ls for file depth of 3, very pretty and already installed on irene.