Misc. useful scripts - skw32/skw32.github.io GitHub Wiki
Bash script to zip up all WAVECARs in specified directory
echo "This script will zip all WAVECARs present in the directory specified in the script."
echo "Disk usage in dir before:"
du -sh ${dirToZip}
find ${dirToZip} -name "WAVECAR" | sed "s;^;gzip ;" > zip_wavecars
chmod u+x zip_wavecars
rm zip_wavecars
echo "Disk usage in dir after:"
du -sh ${dirToZip}
Bash script to delete all WAVECARs in specified directory
echo "This script will delete all WAVECARs present in the directory specified in the script."
echo "Disk usage in dir before:"
du -sh ${dirToZip}
find ${dirToZip} -name "WAVECAR" | sed "s;^;rm ;" > delete_wavecars
chmod u+x delete_wavecars
rm delete_wavecars
echo "Disk usage in dir after:"
du -sh ${dirToZip}