MTP compilation recipes - skw32/ GitHub Wiki
mlip-v2 on summer
Note: Need source code for both lammps and mlip-v2. (Must request access to gitlab for the latter, send an email)
module load gcc/9.3.0 ompi/4.0.4 mkl/18
./configure --blas=mkl --lammps=path_to_lammps
make lammps
make mlp
make test
Example submission script:
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -l walltime=04:59:59,nodes=1:ppn=32
#PBS -m n
#PBS -q csp
#PBS -N MTP_newBin
ulimit -s unlimited
module purge
module load gcc/9.3.0 ompi/4.0.4 mkl/18
# This calculates energy, forces and stresses (EFS) with fitted.mtp
# for all configurations from the database trainset.cfg,
# and saves configurations with this data to out/testSet_EFSbyMTP.cfg
mkdir ./out
mpirun -np 32 path-to-MTP-src/mlip-v2-master/bin/mlp run mlip.ini --filename=structures_to_calc_with_MTP.cfg --log=stdout
mlip-v2 on irene
Note: Need source code for both lammps and mlip-v2. (Must request access to gitlab for the latter, send an email)
IMPORTANT: You must make some edits to the lammps source code.
- In 'lammps/src/MAKE/OPTIONS/Makefile.intel_cpu_intelmpi' change 'CC = mpicpc' to 'CC = mpicc'
- In 'lammps/src/' create a file called 'Makefile.package' which contains the following:
# Settings for libraries used by specific LAMMPS packages
# this file is auto-edited when those packages are included/excluded
PKG_PATH = -L../../lib/mlip
PKG_LIB = -l_mlip_lammps ${CCC_LDFLAGS} -L/opt/intel/ifort- -lifcore
Use the following but add the path to your mlip-v2 source code and modified lammps source code:
module purge
module load lammps tbb
./configure --compiler=intel --blas=mkl --lammps=ADD-YOUR-PATH-TO-MODIFIED-LAMMPS --prefix=ADD-YOUR-PATH-TO-mlip-v2-src
You must next make the following changes inside the file make/
mpiicc => mpicc
mpicpc => mpicxx
mpiifort => mpifort
LDFLAGS += -L/opt/intel/ifort- -lifcore -L/${MKL_LIBDIR} -lmkl_rt
You're now ready to compile with:
make mlp
make lammps
make test
Example submission script:
#MSUB -q skylake
#MSUB -n 48
#MSUB -T 43200
#MSUB -A gen10765
#MSUB -r mlp
module load intel/ mpi/openmpi/2.0.4 tbb
ccc_mprun /PATH-TO-SOURCE-CODE/mlip-v2-master/bin/mlp train TrainedA2B2.mtp_ train.cfg > train_output