iOS Shuttle Usage - skpdi/sentinel-document GitHub Wiki

This is how to use the Shuttle library for iOS created on the Sentinel Log Definitions page.
Shuttle for iOS offers Objective-C(.h, .m) / Swift(.swift) files.

The Swift file will be contained in iOS Shuttle files which is built after June 25, 2019. Previously built versions only contain Objective-C files.

How to use

Objective-C example

We recommend using .h, .m format Shuttle files.

// Create Shuttle Instance
SampleSentinelShuttle *shuttle = [[SampleSentinelShuttle alloc] init];

// Setting the field (column) value
// You can use the setter method that the name is same as the column name that you need to record
// For example, if you need to record 'page_id' value, use 'page_id' method.
[shuttle page_id:@"/main/card/list"];
[shuttle action_id:@"tap.my_card"]; 

// However, it is recommended to use setBodyOf method rather than the method above.
// This is because if you use like the above, calling a method could be omitted by accident. 
// Since setBodyOf method must transfer all the necessary columns to parameter, the columns would not be omitted. 
// If you use setBodyOf method, page_id, action_id are recorded automatically. 
[shuttle setBodyOfMain_card_list__tap_my_card__with__serial_no:@"2012-3XXX-XXXX-XXXX" card:nil date:@"MM/YY"];    

//You need to chaining by yourself for other Header values.              
[[shuttle session_Id:@"AF0EF"] setBodyOfMain_card_list__tap_my_card__with__serial_no:@"2012-3XXX-XXXX-XXXX" card:nil date:@"MM/YY"];

Use the code below to transfer Shuttle that values are entered to Rake iPhone. ( Refer to Rake-iPhone API )

[rake track:[shuttle toNSDictionary]];

toJSONString method can be used for debugging.

NSLog(@"%@",[shuttle toJSONString]);

Swift example

We recommend using .swift format Shuttle file.

// Create Shuttle Instance
let shuttle = SampleSentinelShuttle()

// Setting the field (column) value
// You can use the setter method that the name is same as the column name that you need to record
// For example, if you need to record 'page_id' value, use 'page_id' method.

// However, it is recommended to use setBodyOf method rather than the method above.
// This is because if you use like the above, calling a method could be omitted by accident. 
// Since setBodyOf method must transfer all the necessary columns to parameter, the columns would not be omitted. 
// If you use setBodyOf method, page_id, action_id are recorded automatically. 
[shuttle setBodyOfMain_card_list__tap_my_card__(serial_no: "2012-3XXX-XXXX-XXXX", card: nil, date: "MM/YY");    

//You need to chaining by yourself for other Header values.      
       .setBodyOfMain_card_list__tap_my_card__(serial_no: "2012-3XXX-XXXX-XXXX", card: nil, date: "MM/YY")

Use the code below to transfer Shuttle that values are entered to Rake iPhone. ( Refer to Rake-iPhone API )

do {
    // When you call toDictionary() you should wrap the method by do-try-catch
    try rake?.track(shuttle.toDictionary())  
} catch let error {

toJSONString method can be used for debugging.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️