Javascript Shuttle Usage - skpdi/sentinel-document GitHub Wiki
This is how to use the Shuttle library for Javascript created on the Sentinel Log Definitions page.
Shuttle file can be used after loading with <\script> like the below.
// Create shuttle instance
var shuttle = new SampleSentinelShuttle();
// Setting the field (column) value
// You can use setter method that the name is same as the column you need to record.
// For example, if you need to record 'page_id' value, use 'setPage_id' method.
shuttle.setPage_id("new page")
.setAction_id("hello action");
// However, it is recommended to use setBodyOf method rather than the method above
// If you use like the above, calling a method could be omitted by accident.
// Since setBodyOf method must transfer all the necessary columns to parameter, the columns would not be omitted by accident.
// If you use setBodyOf method, page_id, action_id would be recorded automatically.
shuttle.setBodyOf_event_purchase__event_purchase("event_name","purchase_id", purchase_amount);
// Since setBodyOf method records Body value, you need to chaining like the below in order to record additional Header value
.setBodyOf_event_purchase__event_purchase("event_name","purchase_id", purchase_amount);
Use the code below to transfer Shuttle that values are entered to Rake Javascript (Refer to Rake-Web API )