Consumer Producer example on two containers - skoulouzis/ndn-with-docker GitHub Wiki

This is a simple test of the NFD.

Start docker containers

On the hosting node start NFD A:

sudo docker run --name nfd-A nfd


sudo docker start nfd-A

On the hosting node start NFD B:

sudo docker run --name nfd-B nfd


sudo docker start nfd-B

Get containers' IP addresses

For nfd-B on the hosting node type:

sudo docker inspect nfd-B | grep IPAddress

The output should look like this:

            "SecondaryIPAddresses": null,
            "IPAddress": "",
                    "IPAddress": "",

Connect containers

Log in nfd-A. From the hosting node type:

sudo docker exec -it nfd-A bash

Add to nfd-A a route to nfd-B. On nfd-A type:

nfdc face create udp://$nfd-B_IP

The output should look like this:

face-created id=260 local=udp4:// remote=udp4:// persistency=persistent reliability=off

Next, on nfd-A type:

nfdc route add /example udp://$nfd-B_IP

The output should look like this:

route-add-accepted prefix=/example nexthop=260 origin=static cost=0 flags=child-inherit expires=never

This means that nfd-B can send data to nfd-A. However, nfd-A cannot send data to nfd-B.

Send message

Log in nfd-B. On the hosting node type:

sudo docker exec -it nfd-B bash

Next, On nfd-B type:


On nfd-A type:


The output should look like this:

Sending /example/testApp/randomData?ndn.MustBeFresh=1&ndn.InterestLifetime=2000
Name: /example/testApp/randomData/testApp/%FD%00%00%01at%F9Y%5B
MetaInfo: ContentType: 0, FreshnessPeriod: 10000 milliseconds
Content: (size: 11)
Signature: (type: SignatureSha256WithRsa, value_length: 256)

If no data are send from nfd-B you should see something like this

Sending /example/testApp/randomData?ndn.MustBeFresh=1&ndn.InterestLifetime=2000
received Nack with reason NoRoute for interest /example/testApp/randomData?ndn.MustBeFresh=1&ndn.InterestLifetime=2000&ndn.Nonce=2055367689