Pill Factory - skinnyjames/screen-pill GitHub Wiki
Screen Pill comes with a Pill Factory helper that can mixin to your cucumber runner via a Custom World
The Pill Factory exposes the methods on, and visit: both take an optional callback with the screen-pill as the parameter
To use it, create a custom world function.
const { setWorldConstructor } = require('cucumber')
const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver')
const driver = new webdriver.Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build()
function CustomWorld() {
// set the driver on world
this.driver = driver
// Mixin the PillFactory into your CustomWorld function
let World = PillFactory(CustomWorld)
Then, in your stepdefs, you have access to the factory methods
const { Given, When, Then } = require('cucumber')
const chai = require('chai')
const expect = chai.expect
// require a screen pill
var GoogleSearch = require('./pills/google-search')
var GoogleResults = require('./pills/google-results')
Given('I go to google', async function() {
// visit will instantiate the pill function with a driver
// and go to the pill's directUrl
return this.visit(GoogleSearch)
When(/I search (.*)/, async function(term) {
return this.on(GoogleSearch, async function(pill) {
// pill methods can be called in the callback
await pill.query(term)
Then('I get results', async function() {
return this.on(GoogleResults, async function(pill) {
await pill.stats.waitUntilPresent()
let stats = await pill.stats.get()