WindowsServices - skilchen/bots GitHub Wiki
Creating Windows Services
If running Bots on a Windows server, you can create services to keep the important background processes running. This is the equivalent of a "daemon" process in Linux.
- srvany.exe - This is a Microsoft utility included in the Windows Server Resource Kit Tools.
- sc.exe - The SC command is included by default in most Windows installations and is also available in the resource kit.
- Python and Bots are already installed and working, of course!
- Copy srvany.exe to C:\Windows\System32
- Open a command prompt and enter
the following commands, according to the service required. Note:
position of equal signs and spaces must be exactly as shown.
start= auto DisplayName= "Bots Webserver" sc description "Bots Webserver" "This is the webserver for Bots EDI translator."
"C:\\Windows\\System32\\srvany.exe" start= auto DisplayName= "Bots Job Queue" sc description "Bots Job Queue" "Provides job queue and launch functionality for Bots EDI Translator"
auto DisplayName= "Bots Directory Monitor" sc description "Bots Directory Monitor" "Monitors one or more directories for new files and creates Bots jobs to process them"
- Run regedit and navigate to `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\`
- In the right hand pane of regedit, right click, New, Key, call it `Parameters`.
- Click the new Parameters key to select it.
- In the right hand pane, right click, New, String value, call it `Application`.
- Double click Application, enter the command to run
the required Bots script. This will vary according to your installed
location and Bots version, eg.
C:\\Python27\\Scripts\\ C:\\Python27\\python.exe C:\\Python27\\Scripts\\ C:\\Python27\\python.exe C:\\Python27\\Scripts\\
- Run `services.msc` to start/stop/configure your new services.
Reference links
If any of the above doesn't make sense to you, I have created a small free utility program to do it all. This is a general purpose program for creating services. My service configuration for Bots is included; you may need to edit the paths to suit your installation. You can download the program from here.