TranslationperPartnerExtended - skilchen/bots GitHub Wiki

Organize partner specific translations using imports

Often in edi you need a number of very similar translations for different partners - the 'many similar yet different mappings' problems.

You want to organize your mapping scripts so that code is not duplicated many times, creating maintenance problems.

A nice approach is:

  1. create a default mapping.
  2. for some partners you can use the default mapping, for others use a partner specific translation
  3. the partner-specific mappings import the default mapping and builds upon that (additional pre- or post-mapping). Note: plugin 'demo_partnerdependent' at the bots sourceforge site demonstrates the use of default mappings and imports.

By Example

the default mapping
Script file '', translates edifact ORDERS to idoc ORDERS05)

def main(inn,out):
    # Order number

    # Buyer name

    # blahblahblah.....lots more complex mapping code for the order

the partner specific mapping
Script file '' for for customer.
The default mapping is mostly OK, but a few changes are needed:

import orders2idoc             #here the default mapping is imported

def main(inn,out):
    #*** pre-mapping *******************
    # do partner-specific mapping before the default mapping eg to make the incoming order "more standard" :-)
    # In this example:
    #     customer2 sends RFF+PR:BULK to indicate a stock order. Delete this and change to BGM+120
    #     This must be done pre-mapping because we have complex mapping rules based on BGM order type.
    if inn.get({'BOTSID':'UNH'},{'BOTSID':'RFF','C506.1153':'PR','C506.1154':None}) == 'BULK':

    #*** run the default mapping******************

    #*** post-mapping *******************
    # Post-mapping to adjust or add to the mapped output.
    # Delete unwanted text that is sent on their orders
    out.delete({'BOTSID':'EDI_DC40'},{'BOTSID':'E1EDK01'},{'BOTSID':'E1EDKT2','TDLINE':'TOTAL EXCL. GST AUD'})
    # Additional mapping: map buyer name from NAD+AB:

Some details and tips:

  1. Make the default mapping is as generic as possible (eg. checking multiple fields).
  2. Do not not put any partner specific implementation mapping in here
  3. All mapping scripts are in the same directory (for the incoming editype)


Plugin 'demo_partnerdependent' at the bots sourceforge site demonstrates the use of default mappings and imports.