StartMyFirstPlugin - skilchen/bots GitHub Wiki
My first plugin
Purpose of this tutorial is to get your first edi configuration
This is done by installing plugin 'my_first_plugin'; this plugin
provides a working configuration.
When run, this configuration will read and write example edi messages
(provided in the plugin) from your system.
In this configuration incoming edifact orders are translated to a fixed
file format.
Install plugin 'my_first_plugin'
Assumed is:
- You've installed bots, see installation
- You've managed to get bots-monitor running, see get bots running.
Now download and install plugin 'my_first_plugin'.
Instructions for installing a plugin are here.
The plugin can be downloaded from the bots sourceforge
Activate the route
- go to the routes screen: bots-monitor->Configuration->Routes
- note that route 'myfirstroute' is not active now (indicated by red icon)
- select the tick-box in front of the route 'myfirstroute'
- select action 'activate/de-activate'
- click on the 'Go'-button behind the selected action.
- note that route 'myfirstroute' is active now (indicated by green icon)
Run the translation
Run the translation: bots-monitor->Run->Run (Only New).
You will get notified that the bots-engine is started.
Bots-engine is the part of bots that does the translations and
communications; it runs in the background. Bots-engine will be finished
in approximately one second.
View the results
Now let's view the results of the translation:
- First look at the results of the run: bots-monitor->All runs->Reports (per run). Each run of bots is represented by a line; the last run is on top.
- View the incoming files via bots-monitor->Last run->Incoming. Click on the incoming file to see its contents.
- View the outgoing files (the results of the translation) go to or bots-monitor->Last run->outgoing. Again: click on the file name to see its contents.
Note: this configuration reads the incoming files but does not delete them. So you can run it over and over again.
- Screenshots and information about viewing the results.
- Walk through the configuration in this plugin is here.
- A more detailed explanation about the 'run' and what happens in a run is here.