RoutesAttributes - skilchen/bots GitHub Wiki

Attributes for routes

The folloing attributes are used in configuring a route:

  1. Active: only active routes are used when bots-engine runs.
  2. Idroute: identification of the route.
  3. Seq: (for composite routes) determines the sequence for running the route-parts with the same idroute.
  4. Fromchannel: The communication channel bots uses to receive edi-files.
  5. Fromeditype and frommessagetype: The editype and messagetype of the incoming edi-file. Bots uses this to determine the right translation/mapping script.
  6. Alt: (advanced) extra attribute used to determine the translation.
  7. Translate: (for composite routes) indicates if a translation is done in this route-part. A simple route always does a translation.
  8. Tochannel: communication channel used as destination for outbound edi-files.
  9. Defer: set files ready for this communication channel, but communicate these in a route that is run later (and where communication is not deferred. This way all communication for a certain outchannel can be done in one 'session').
  10. Testindicator: (filtering) use only test edi files/production files/both for the outchannel.
  11. Toeditype and Tomessagetype: (filtering) use only this editype/messagetype for the outchannel.
  12. Frompartner_tochannel and Topartner_tochannel: (filtering) use only edi-files of this frompartner/topartner for the outchannel.