RouteScriptsExampleWholeRoute - skilchen/bots GitHub Wiki
Example route script that takes over whole route
# imports needed for some functions below
from bots.botsconfig import *
import bots.transform as transform
import bots.botsglobal as botsglobal
import bots.botslib as botslib
import bots.cleanup as cleanup
import bots.pluglib as pluglib
import os
import time
def main(routedict,*args,**kwargs):
# if main is present, it takes over the whole route (nothing is done in route except this function).
# for example, create a daily route that does a backup and cleanup
# Prevent this script from accidentally running more than once per day
if transform.persist_lookup(routedict['idroute'],'run_date') != time.strftime('%Y%m%d'):
# backup directory and subdirectory - one per weekday gives a 7 day rolling backup
backup_dir = botslib.join(botsglobal.ini.get('directories','botssys'), 'backup')
backup_dir = botslib.join(backup_dir, time.strftime('%w-%a'))
# Create a bots backup (as a plugin)'Create a bots backup')
'databaseconfiguration': True,
'umlists': True,
'fileconfiguration': True,
'infiles': False,
'charset': False,
'databasetransactions': False,
'data': False,
'logfiles': True,
'config': True,
'database': True,
'filename': botslib.join(backup_dir,'')})
# Do cleanup, if scheduled daily
# In bots.ini set whencleanup=daily (other values are always or never)
if botsglobal.ini.get('settings','whencleanup','always') == 'daily':'Cleanup of database and files')
def makedir(dir):
try: os.makedirs(dir)
except: pass