MappingChangedelete - skilchen/bots GitHub Wiki


Delete(s) the record(s) as specified in mpath in the outmessage (and the records 'under' that record).
After deletion, searching stops (if more than one records exists for this mpath, only the first one is deleted). For deleting all records (repeating records) use getloop() to access the loop, and delete within the loop.
Returns: if successful, True, otherwise False.

#delete a message date in a edifact INVOICD96AUNEAN008:
#delete DTM record where field C507.2005 = '137' ; DTM-record is nested under UNH-record.

#delete all ALC segments in edifact message:
while message.delete({'BOTSID':'UNH'},{'BOTSID':'ALC'}):

Note: If you want to delete a field, you can use the change option and put as value "None":

lot = lin.get({'BOTSID':'line','batchnumber':None})
if not lot == None:
#In this case I want to remove a wrong batchnumber from a specific supplier


Used to change an existing record. 'where' identifies the record, 'change' are the values that will be changed (or added is values do not exist) in this record.

Only one record is changed. This is always the last record of the where-mpath
After change, searching stops (if more than one records exists for this mpath, only the first one is changed). For changing all records (repeating records) use getloop() to access the loop, and change within the loop.

#changed qualifier 'DP' in NAD record to 'ST'

Note: where must be a tuple; if you want to change the root of document, add a comma to make it a tuple.

#                                 ^ note comma here