EnvelopeScripting - skilchen/bots GitHub Wiki

Envelope scripting

You can use an envelopescript to do custom enveloping for edifact, x12, tradacoms, xml. Exit points that can be used:

  1. ta_infocontent(ta_info) * at start of enveloping process. ta_info contains the values that are used to write the envelope; you can change these values.
  2. envelopecontent(ta_info,out) * after bots has built the envelope tree you can make changes to the envelope tree by using put(), change() etc.

Functions should be in bots/usersys/envelopescripts/<editype>/<editype>.py, eg:

  • bots/usersys/envelopescripts/edifact/edifact.py
  • bots/usersys/envelopescripts/x12/x12.py


Example 1

Note that this affects all outgoing edifact documents. Add conditional logic if needed.
In file bots/usersys/envelopescripts/edifact/edifact.py:

def envelopecontent(ta_info,out,*args,**kwargs):
    ''' Add extra fields to the edifact envelope.'''
    out.put({'BOTSID':'UNB','S002.0008': 'PARTNER1'}) #Interchange sender internal identification
    out.put({'BOTSID':'UNB','S003.0014': 'PARTNER2'}) #Interchange recipient internal identification
    out.put({'BOTSID':'UNB','0029': 'A'})             #Processing priority code
    out.put({'BOTSID':'UNB','0032': 'EANCOM'})        #Interchange agreement identifier

Example 2

In file bots/usersys/envelopescripts/edifact/edifact.py:

def ta_infocontent(ta_info,*args,**kwargs):
    ''' function is called before envelope tree is made.
        values in ta_info will be used to create envelope.
    if ta_info['topartner'] == '1111111111111':
        ta_info['topartner'] = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
        ta_info['UNB.S003.0014'] = '012345'

Example 3

In file bots/usersys/envelopescripts/edifact/edifact.py:

def envelopecontent(ta_info,out,*args,**kwargs):
    ''' function is called after envelope tree is made, but not written yet.
        manipulate envelope tree itself.
    if ta_info['topartner'] == '1111111111111':
        out.change(where=({'BOTSID':'UNB'},),change={'S003.0010': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'}) #field S003.0010 (receiver) is written to envelope tree
        out.put({'BOTSID':'UNB','S003.0014': '012345'}) #field S003.0014 is written to envelope tree
        ta_info['topartner'] = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'      #takes only care of changing the partnerID in bots interface (does not change envelope itself)
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