DeploymentTestSet - skilchen/bots GitHub Wiki
Build a good test-set
When you do changes in your edi environment, you want to know that every 'ran as before'. What can be helpful for this is to use a isolated acceptance test for this.
This is easy to demonstrate:
- Download a plugin from bots sourceforge site and install it (not on your production environment;-))
- In config/bots.ini set 'runacceptancetest' to True
- Run bots-engine via command-line
How this works: in acceptance tests an extra script usersys/routescripts/ runs when all routes are finished. This script does 2 things:
- It compares the results (#files received, errors, send, etc) with the expected results. If results are different you'll see this (on command-line window).
- The files in botssys/infile/outfile are compared with files as generated by the run in botssys/outfile. If results are different you'll see this (on command-line window).
Some things to look at when you build a test-set:
Use the 'acceptance test path' in the channels to point to your file system for incoming and outgoing channels (prevents using communication methods like pop3, ftp, etc).
Test file in botssys/infile are added to plugins (I find this very convenient).
Counters (for message numbers, file names etc (via unique()) are the same in every run, so results are the same every run.
If date/times need to made, use transform.strftime() for this; it is like pythons time.strftime() but gives always the same date/time in acceptance testing.