DeploymentOtherDatabase - skilchen/bots GitHub Wiki
Use MySQL or PostgreSQL as database
Backgrond information:
- Default bots uses a SQLite database. This is included in the standard installation and works out-of-the-box. Performance of SQLite is good!
- Bots always uses utf-8 in the database communication.
- Database tables are installed using django-machinery. See django docs.
- After installation, you may want to migrate some data.
- You might have to manually add a database trigger if using persist functions.
- install PostgreSQL.
- install psycopg2 as python database adapter.
- login in command line client of database.
- Create database (CLI) :
- Create user (CLI):
- Give user rights: (CLI)
- make sure database accepts connections over (non-local) TCP/IP: change parameter listen_addresses in in postgresql.conf; add/change setting for user in pg_hba.conf.
- Set connection parameter in bots configuration in bots/config/ Examples are provided - see comments in
- Create the required tables (CLI):
- (CLI)
django-admin syncdb --settings='bots.config.settings'
- (CLI) or when bots is not installed in the default directory:
django-admin syncdb --pythonpath='path to bots' --settings='bots.config.settings'
- Django asks for name etc of default user.
- (CLI)
- install MySQL.
- install mysql-Python as python database adapter.
- login in command line client of database.
- Create database (CLI):
- Create user (CLI):
CREATE USER 'bots' IDENTIFIED BY 'botsbots';
- Give user rights (CLI):
- make sure database accepts connections over (non-local) TCP/IP: change parameter 'binds' in /etc/mysql/my.cfg.
- Set connection parameter in bots configuration in bots/config/ Examples are provided - see comments in
- Create the required tables:
- (CLI)
django-admin syncdb --settings='bots.config.settings'
- (CLI) or when bots is not installed in the default directory:
django-admin syncdb --pythonpath='path to bots' --settings='bots.config.settings'
- Django asks for name etc of default user.
- (CLI)
MySQL on Windows
Download MySQL community server msi installer. (tested version 5.5.20)
Run the installer, do a "typical" installation and follow the prompts. On the final screen, make sure Launch the MySQL Instance Configuration Wizard box is ticked.
When the configuration wizard starts, make the following selections:
- Detailed configuration
- Server machine (you may choose developer for your bots test environment)
- Transactional database
- DSS/OLAP (20 connections)
- Enable TCP/IP and Strict mode (defaults)
- Best support for multilingualism (UTF8)
- Install as Windows service (default)
- Modify security settings; enter a root password and write it down.
- Execute configuration
- Create a shortcut to C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin\MySQLInstanceConfig.exe in case you want to modify any of these settings later.
Go to Start > Programs > MySQL > MySQL Server > MySQL Command Line Client. Enter your root password when prompted. You should now have a
command prompt. -
Enter the following MySQL commands at the prompt:
mysql> CREATE DATABASE botsdb DEFAULT CHARSET utf8; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec) mysql> CREATE USER 'bots' IDENTIFIED BY 'botsbots'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> GRANT ALL ON botsdb.* TO 'bots'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Download and install MySQL-python for Windows to suit your python version (tested MySQL-python-1.2.3.win32-py2.7.exe)
Set connection parameters in bots configuration in bots/config/ MySQL example is provided, I only changed HOST.
#MySQL: DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME': 'botsdb', 'USER': 'bots', 'PASSWORD': 'botsbots', 'HOST': 'localhost', #database is on same server as Bots 'PORT': '3306', 'OPTIONS': {'use_unicode':True,'charset':'utf8','init_command': 'SET storage_engine=INNODB'}, } }
Create the required tables from a command prompt. Django asks for name etc of superuser. (enter user: bots, password: botsbots)
> D:\python27\python.exe D:\Python27\lib\site-packages\django\bin\ syncdb --settings=bots.config.settings Creating tables ... Creating table auth_permission Creating table auth_group_permissions Creating table auth_group Creating table auth_user_user_permissions Creating table auth_user_groups Creating table auth_user Creating table auth_message Creating table django_content_type Creating table django_session Creating table django_admin_log Creating table confirmrule Creating table ccodetrigger Creating table ccode Creating table channel Creating table partnergroup Creating table partner Creating table chanpar Creating table translate Creating table routes Creating table filereport Creating table mutex Creating table persist Creating table report Creating table ta Creating table uniek You just installed Django's auth system, which means you don't have any superusers defined. Would you like to create one now? (yes/no): yes Username (Leave blank to use 'mike'): bots E-mail address: [email protected] Password: botsbots Password (again): botsbots Superuser created successfully. Installing custom SQL ... Installing indexes ... No fixtures found.
Now start bots-webserver and log in as bots.
Note: The database is stored in C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.5/Data/ by default (on Windows 7).
To move the database, do the following:
Stop the MySQL service
Move the /Data/ folder only to your required location (eg. D:/MySQL Server 5.5/Data/
Make sure the permissions are moved with it. "NETWORK SERVCE" must have full control
Change the setting "datadir" in C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.5/my.ini to indicate the new folder location
# Path to the database root datadir=D:/MySQL Server 5.6/Data
Restart the MySQL service. If it will not start, check permissions!