ConfigurationMerge - skilchen/bots GitHub Wiki
Merge/envelope edi message
Reasons to merge/envelope edi files:
- your ERP-system expects one file (message-queue) with fixed records
- your edi-partners wants to limit the number of edi-files/interchanges received.
- costs: this can reduce transmission costs for some VAN's
- It is better to have one file with outgoing invoices than 165 separate files ;-)
Merge options:
Merging: if the 'merge' parameter is set in the syntax of the outgoing message, bots will try to merge seperate messages to one file. Messages are only merged if: same from-partner, same to-partner, same editype, same messagetype, same testindicator, same characterset, same envelope.
Enveloping: (edifact, x12, tradacoms) bots will envelope these messages (add UNB-UNZ for edifact, ISA-GS-GE-IEA for x12). Enveloping is independent from merging: bots can envelope without merging, or merge without enveloping.
Write to a message-queue in outgoing channel: if you use a fixed filename in an outgoing channel, bots will append all messages to this file. This is often used in eg a configuration where all orders go to one file containing all incoming orders in fixed file format.