SQL standard defines that undelimited database identifiers do not respect case
If some database names are intended to be case-specific, they must be explicitly delimited (by ")
@ Table (name ="\" Employee\" " )
@ Table (name ="\" EMPLOYEE\" " )
Advanced Embedded Mappings
Embedded objects can embed other objects, have element collections of basic or embeddable types, as well as have relationships to entities.
@ Embeddable @ Access (AccessType .FIELD )
public class ContactInfo {
@ Embedded
private Address residence ;
@ ManyToOne
@ JoinColumn (name ="PRI_NUM" )
private Phone primaryPhone ;
@ ManyToMany @ MapKey (name ="type" )
@ JoinTable (name ="EMP_PHONES" )
private Map <String , Phone > phones ;
@ Entity
public class Phone {
@ Id String num ;
@ ManyToMany (mappedBy ="contactInfo.phones" )
List <Employee > employees ;
String type ;
default join column would be EMPLOYEE_PHONE
mappedBy element uses the qualified name of the embedded relationship attribute (".")
Overriding Embedded Relationships
The embedding entity can override mappings by using @AttributeOverride to redefine how the embedded state is mapped within the particular entity table
To override how a relationship is mapped we need to use @AssociationOverride, which provides us with the ability to override relationship join columns and join tables.
@ Entity
public class Customer {
@ Id int id ;
@ Embedded
@ AttributeOverride (name ="address.zip" , column =@ Column (name ="ZIP" ))
@ AssociationOverrides ({
@ AssociationOverride (name ="primaryPhone" , joinColumns =@ JoinColumn (name ="EMERG_PHONE" )),
@ AssociationOverride (name ="phones" , joinTable =@ JoinTable (name ="CUST_PHONE" ))})
private ContactInfo contactInfo ;
primary key is composed of multiple fields/columns
primary key class: must include definitions for equals() and hashCode(), fields and properties must be in the set of valid identifiers, public, implement Serializable, have a no-arg constructor
@ Entity
@ IdClass (EmployeeId .class )
public class Employee {
@ Id
private String country ;
@ Id
@ Column (name ="EMP_ID" )
private int id ;
public class EmployeeId implements Serializable {
private String country ;
private int id ;
public EmployeeId () {}
public EmployeeId (String country , int id ) {
this .country = country ;
this .id = id ;
public String getCountry () { return country ; }
public int getId () { return id ; }
public boolean equals (Object o ) {
return ((o instanceof EmployeeId ) &&
country .equals (((EmployeeId )o ).getCountry ()) &&
id == ((EmployeeId )o ).getId ());
public int hashCode () {
return country .hashCode () + id ;
Note: there are no setter methods, since primary key values can't be changed, after they have been constructed.
EmployeeId empId = new EmployeeId (country , empId );
Employee emp = em .find (Employee .class , empId );