Creating your token - skanakakorn/eth-nonode GitHub Wiki

If you create a contract that follows this ERC: Token standard your contract can be recognized as a token. The standard will allow dapps and wallets to handle tokens across multiple interfaces/dapps.

The most important functions are transfer, balanceOf, and the Transfer event. Here is a simple implementation of that standard

Other versions of tokens are in "token" directory of the source code repository.


  1. Deploy simple_token.sol contract on ropsten network.
  2. Add the new token to your MetaMask wallet.
  3. Add the new token to your MyCrypto wallet.
  4. Ask the person next to you for a wallet address and his token address.
  5. Give some tokens to the person next to you.
  6. Mint token of belongs to someone else. Does it work or not? Can you tell why?