Troubleshooting SmartMet Server Installation (Docker) - skaija/susan-testing GitHub Wiki

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Querydata engine does not work

When trying to test the container, the query below does not return anything and gives no error message either:


Note: Replace hostname with your host machine name, by localhost or by host-ip. This depends on where you have the container you are using.

  1. Review file querydata.conf
$ less querydata.conf

You will see something like this:

verbose = true;

# Note: order is significant
producers =
#        "hirlam-knmi_europe_surface",
#       "icon_world_surface",
#       "icon_world_pressure",
#       "gfs_world_surface",
#       "gfs_world_pressure",
#       "gem_world_surface",
#       "gem_world_pressure",
#       "gensavg_world_surface",
#       "gensctrl_world_surface",
#       "hbm-fmi"

// types: grid, points
// leveltypes: surface, pressure, model

        alias                   = "hirlam";
        directory               = "/smartmet/data/hirlam/eurooppa/pinta/querydata";
        pattern                 = ".*_hirlam_eurooppa_pinta\.sqd$";
        forecast                = true;
        type                    = "grid";
        leveltype               = "surface";
        refresh_interval_secs   = 60;
        number_to_keep          = 4;
        multifile               = true;

        alias                   = "hirlam_pressure";
        directory               = "/smartmet/data/hirlam/pressure";
        pattern                 = ".*_hirlam_europe_pressure\.sqd$";
        forecast                = true;
        type                    = "grid";
        leveltype               = "pressure";
        refresh_interval_secs   = 60;
        number_to_keep          = 2;

        alias                   = "hirlam-knmi";
        directory               = "/smartmet/data/hirlam-knmi/surface";

  1. Go inside the container.
$ docker exec -i -t contaner_id /bin/bash
  1. Check if the directory paths of each producer in the container are the same as in the configuration file. If they are not the same modify the querydata.conf on your host machine to match the container directory structure.

  2. Retest the issue

Customizing proxy settings

  1. Review steps defined at docker docs under "Control and configure Docker with systemd / HTTP/HTTPS proxy":

TimeSeries plugin does not work

When trying to test the plugin, the query returns error messages only.

  1. Run for example the following request to fetch the temperature forecasted for the city of Helsinki:

Note: Replace hostname with your host machine name, by localhost or by host-ip. This depends on where you have the container you are using.

It returns errors like below:

  1. Make sure that the FmiNames database is available in your docker installation and file geonames.conf has been configured correctly. You should have a separate docker-image fmidev/fminames-noreplicate.

  2. Add the missing setups and retest the issue