Plain keypad How To - ska-la/kPad_i2c GitHub Wiki

Simply connect your keypad to digital pins of Arduino board.

Download and copy (look at INSTALL) the library to sketchbook/libraries/ and then use example kPad_simple.ino.


You must edit file kPad_i2c.h before upload a sketch to Arduino board (it's easy). Why? By default the library assumes that we use a keypad through i2c interface. At the start of the file comment out a string with two straight slashes:


#define _WIRE_H_


//#define _WIRE_H_

That's all!

When DIY:

1.include the library to your sketch:

#include "kPad_i2c.h"

2.Define keypad's matrix size (4x4 for example)...

#define PAD_ROWS      4
#define PAD_COLS      4

...and keypad's chars table:

char symbolChart[PAD_ROWS][PAD_COLS] = {

3.Define DIGITAL pins of Arduino board, which used by keypad:

byte padPinIn[] = {2,3,4,5};
byte padPinOut[] = {6,7,8,9};

4.Create a keypad instance:

kPad kp = kPad((char *)symbolChart,padPinIn,padPinOut,(byte)PAD_ROWS,(byte)PAD_COLS);

5.more coding..

void setup() {

void loop() {
  char smbl =;
  if (smbl) {

6.check the sketch and upload into a Arduino board. FINISH.

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