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#kPad_i2c Wiki


  • Any keypad with 8(or less)-pins connector Pic 1-3. I will assume to work with a keypad has 8-pins connector Pic 4.
  • I2C/TWI adapter for LCD (like 16x2 or 20x4) with PCF8574 interface chip (or any 8-bit I/O expander may be accepted, look at his reference) Pic 5.
  • Jumper wires and four 1kOhm resistors.

Last two items are needed to realize keypad behind an i2c converter.



  • init() acepts a parameter only when you realize i2c interface (i2c adapter address).
  • setDelay() - non-blocking method (simply ignores your input during a delay time), sets up a delay magnitude. There is a default delay (250 msec). If you don't like the delay, set another. There isn't an input verifying, so use only sanity values of msecs (from 100 to 500 for example).
  • read() returns a token of a pressed key.


To use the library in a sketch, select it from Arduino IDE's menu Sketch > Import Library > Add Library.


Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3

Pic 4
Pic 5
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